View Full Version : Windows Secuirty Center Issues

2011-03-21, 02:04

I have yet to find a solution to what defiinatly appears to be some sort of maleware infection. I have 2 distinct issues:

(1) - Windows Security Center will not start - or when is started, magically goes back into a stopped state and stays "Disabled" upon reboot even if changed.

Spybot definately finds some issues:

Microsoft.WindowsSecuuirtyCenter_disabled (2 entries)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wscsvc\Start (is not) W=2


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wscsvc\Start (is not) W=2 (64 bit)

Both of which I've used Fix selected problems to no avail as they keep showing back up - over and over

I have checked the services and dependancies and the only thing not running is the actaul security center (which stays in disabled state) - when I go to properties and change it to automatic - then start the service - it reverts back to disabled and of course I get error when it clicking on the security center message - Turn on Windows Security Center service) ERROR "Windows Security Service Can't be Started"

(2) - I have some crazy browser redirect thing happening whereby all search results within Google are bouncing me to complete junk sites or to sites which aren't even remotely tied to what I'm looking for: Example I search for maleware security center virus - click on a result and get sent to ADT Security or Outdoor World or Domain Registration sites.

I did read the forum rules but didn't see what was to be posted for Win 7 users...so I apologzie for not attaching scan results or detailed log files - just let me know what you need to help, and I'll post it imeadiately.

My System is running

Win7 Home Premium - SP1 (64bit)
IE version 8.0.7601
Have Spybot SD 1.6.2 latest updates and imunized - turning tea-time off as a post suggested
McAfee Internet Security 2011 (which finds nothing out of place) :sad:

I have also tried Malewarebytes and SuperAntiSpyware to scan for issue, neither addresses the problem (SAS did find some tracking cookies - big-deal) - MWB found nothing... :sad:

Help me Obi-Wan....You're my only hope (sorry about the Star Wars quip)


Mike Bresler

2011-03-21, 14:49

Item (1 - Security Center) issue has been resolved using a combination of maleware tools and several websites/forums for cleanup instructions. The key was to make the changes in "safe mode" then reboot. (duh?)

Item (2) the crazy browser redirection is still happening - I'm adding the log file from HighjackThis as it may be helpful in your evaluations. Thus far scans are coming in clean from McAfee, MaleWareBytes & SuperAntySpyware as well as Spybot SD. So whatever I have seems to be burried pretty well or at least masked in such a way that nothing is identified.

At present, any search string results are compeltely uselss as they all bounce me to advertising or misecleanious search engine sites.

Thanks in advance,

2011-03-21, 18:25
In case you missed it please see the FAQ which includes guidelines for this forum and also instructions on posting preliminary logs (not HiJackThis) in post #2.
"BEFORE you POST"(READ this Procedure BEFORE Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Then start a new topic and a volunteer analyst will advise you when available.