View Full Version : S&D2 crash upon detection of spyware

2011-05-14, 00:39
I scanned my internal drive and all was OK (I already know it was clean). It automatically switched over to scanning an external drive that I have connected via an IDE to USB adapter. It said, "Detected so far: 14 results of threat level 5 detected. 7 results of threat level 1 detected", then it threw an application error: "Exception EInvalidCast in module SDScan.exe at 002A39B9. Invalid class typecast." with an OK prompt that when clicked, closes the program.
I rebooted and retried and same result in same order.
The non-beta Spybot scanned that drive just fine albiet very slowly.
I have a screen shot of the error but I am new here so I will see if I can post it for you.

2011-05-16, 15:38

How exactly did you scan your drive?
Probably you have used the File Scanner which is for single files only and not for complete drives.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2011-07-07, 07:26

I have the same problem and I was using the whole system scan...

I am using spybot in 2 of my home computers, with windows 7 Pro.

One works just fine.

thanks for the help in advance...

Spybot Lover
2011-08-01, 21:51
I had that message, only it was "8 of level 5" and "5 of level 1" and it only happens if after a completed system scan, when I click the Scan button for a re-scan after I fix any issues.