View Full Version : Spybot File Scanner (mouse right-click context menu) finds, but can't remove, malware

2011-06-06, 11:21

An online virus scan (Bit Defender) pointed to malware in the C:/WINDOWS/Tasks/Acrobat Update .job file, so I used the Spybot S&D File Scanner (mouse's right click context menu - "Scan Using Sybot S&D") to locate the culprit: "Win32.Palevo". However, the File Scanner doesn't seem to offer any way of doing anything with what it found.

As well, when I do a Spybot S&D full scan, neither the C:/WINDOWS/Tasks/ directory nor the "Win32.Palevo" malware appear in the scan results.

How can I remove the Win32.Palevo malware that the File Scanner found?

Many thanks!

2011-06-06, 19:21
Hello michael_maberly,

Which anti virus program do you have actually installed on the computer in question.

Best regards.

2011-06-07, 21:14
Hello michael_maberly,

Which anti virus program do you have actually installed on the computer in question.

Best regards.

Hi, Tashi;

I don't actually have an antivirus program on my computer -- I had performed on online scan via Bit Defender's website's "Quick Scan". Spybot full scan then picked up and removed one of the trojans, but didn't find the second one. A Spybot File Scan then did find the second trojan -- its location being as described, initially, by Bit Defender's online scan -- but, of course, it then couldn't remove the malware (only the Full Scan being able to do that).

2011-06-07, 21:33
Hi michael_maberly,

I don't actually have an antivirus program on my computer
Any particular reason? So how did I get infected in the first place? (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=279)

What is your operating system please. :)

Best regards.

2011-06-08, 20:24
Hi michael_maberly,
Any particular reason? So how did I get infected in the first place? (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=279)

What is your operating system please. :)

Best regards.
Hi, Tashi;

I don't use an AV app because they consistently interfere with the operation of some very high-end music and digital audio apps that I use professionally (I've tested them with and without the AV apps). To compensate, I strictly monitor my online activities, and only go online when doing an active online activity (eg, monitoring web activity at my own site; doing research, etc). I don't indulge in file-sharing, and the only downloads I've recently done have been a few free-ware apps (which may have been the source!).

I'm using XP, SP3. Firewall's always on. I update Spybot every few days, and run it every week or so. I do a Bit Defender online scan every week or so, as well.

I have also - at their request - emailed the infected file to Spybot Support, several days ago.

I know exactly where the infected file is, but don't know how to safely remove it and all it's associated files -- for that, I need Spybot Full Scan to find and remove it.

Hope that helps.

