View Full Version : last run

2011-07-10, 18:39

I need to keep tabs on the last run dates on our computers. I thought the log was the obvious place for this, but apparently not. A note to Spybot programmers: every log I've ever seen has included date/time. Spybot's logs are full of stuff I will probably never need to know, but I cannot find a date or time. I've only been keeping logs since 1975, but you can go look at Lord Nelson's logs in the British archives or Captain Kirk's star-dated logs to see that it is conventional to always begin a log entry with the date and time. Please consider beginning each log with the date and time it was created.

In the mean time, can someone suggest how I can figure this out? Have I overlooked something? Is the last run date/time kept some place other than in the logs?



2011-07-10, 23:06
The Checks and Fixes log files have the date included in the filename,in this format: