View Full Version : How much will Spybot Search & Destroy 2 - Cost?

2011-08-07, 16:38
Looking over some of the features offered by SSD2, the sudden boom of staff, and reviewing the code... It would suggest you're thinking of making SSD2 either shareware or direct to order.

How much will SSD2 cost?

2011-08-08, 01:39
Hello TheVisitors :welcome:

How much will SSD2 cost?

As with previous versions Spybot-S&D 2.0 (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/spybotsd2/index.html) (now in beta (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/news/2011-08-04.html)) is offered free for personal use.

Any donations are welcome and will directly support our teams efforts. :)

Best regards.

2011-08-10, 17:35
Spybot, is the onliest free anti-spyware program with a real-time scanner, and it has "Immunize" (a feature which is exclusive for free programs). Everyone should be VERY happy this is program is free for use, because if you look at their competitors, almost everyone is a paid-software(only the "only-scanner" version is free), and they have the exact same features(that being said, Spybot do have more features!! And it's still FREE!). Spybot is amazing! :rockon:

A donation wouldn't hurt!

2011-08-17, 14:39
To be fair, the free Spyware Blaster also does perform some Immunization (in fact that's really all it does), and although it's not nearly as comprehensive (in particular touching neither the HOSTS file nor Opera's URL Filter), it does add some entries not added by Spybot, and its set of ActiveX killbits is unparalleled, much greater than Spybot's list of 895 or so (and with a special Custom Blocking List (http://koti.mbnet.fi/pattaya1/customblocking.txt) it goes over 10000).
My recommendation is to use both, first Spyware Blaster (which does nothing at all, not even in the background, unless it is actively used), then Spybot immunization; they do not conflict.

My perspective may be skewed, because I actually disable the slow resident scanner, sticking with just Microsoft Security essentials for real-time anti-spyware protection, and if it weren't for the excellent Immunization module in Spybot I would have left it behind a long time ago.

2011-08-29, 06:20
Hello TheVisitors :welcome:

As with previous versions Spybot-S&D 2.0 (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/spybotsd2/index.html) (now in beta (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/news/2011-08-04.html)) is offered free for personal use.

Any donations are welcome and will directly support our teams efforts. :)

Best regards.

I do not think you answered my question.

After the beta is over with, will it remain free or become a paid or shareware program?

2011-08-29, 15:01

Spybot-Search & Destroy 2.0 will still be freeware for private use.

Best regards
Team Spybot

2012-11-02, 02:22
1 year later.....

I was right.

Seems there will be no 2.0 free version

2012-11-02, 09:53

And as I said one year before there will still be a free version. ;)

Best regards
Team Spybot

2012-11-03, 05:33

And as I said one year before there will still be a free version. ;)

Best regards
Team Spybot

If the free version does not offer immunization .... No, I would still count myself right

2012-11-03, 18:46
Hello TheVisitors,
If the free version does not offer immunization .... No, I would still count myself right

:scratch: Where did you get the idea there'd be no immunization? :)

2012-11-07, 08:55
How about a clearer question.....

Why does the 'free for private use' version keep expiring and force re-installation of the 'free for private use' version for continued use?

2012-11-07, 11:07

Because the Spybot-S&D 2.0 that is currently out now is NO FINAL version yet, it is a RELEASE CANDIDATE.

The reason your license will expire is the fact that we did release a Professional version of Spybot-S&D 2.0 for testing that would usually need to be purchased. So this testing version has a time limitation.
But don't worry we are still providing (and will continue to provide) a fully functioning free version of Spybot - Search & Destroy. All precious features like scanning, fixing and passive protection features such as the immunization will still be available. Of course shredding files is an essential part of the free version as well. Separate scans for Rootkits or single file scans are also part of Spybot - Search & Destroy 2.0 Free Edition. The new licensing scheme is to make distribution to our professional users easier for us. Some features, like support for networked environments, boot CD creation and more - features that the average user may not require, will be available to licensed users. While Spybot 2 has not reached final state, we will of course provide a license for testing free of charge, registration will not be required. As always, users of the free edition won't have to register even in the future.

Nevertheless this pre-release is still intended for testing purposes only. If you do not want to help with testing and by reporting bugs, please just continue using our tried-and-tested stable release Spybot-S&D 1.6.2.

Best regards
Team Spybot

Johnny Sokko
2012-11-09, 17:31

I know that Spybot S & D has always been free for private home use, but I'm confused about the new version. Will it be free as well (for private home use), or will a license need to be purchased?

Johnny Sokko
2012-11-09, 17:45
Spybot-Search & Destroy 2.0 will still be freeware for private use.

Best regards
Team Spybot

Hello, Sandra.

In your above comment, you stated, "Spybot-Search & Destroy 2.0 will still be freeware for private use."

If that's true, then why does the below link seem to indicate otherwise?


The page shown in the above link clearly shows that a fee is being charged, and as indicated by the big red bubble around the word Private at the top of the page, it's obvious that I'm looking at the correct section for private home use. So if it's free for private home use, as you stated, why is there a charge?

2012-11-12, 10:03
Maybe it helps if you re-read what I wrote. ;)

All precious features like scanning, fixing and passive protection features such as the immunization will still be available. Of course shredding files is an essential part of the free version as well. Separate scans for Rootkits or single file scans are also part of Spybot - Search & Destroy 2.0 Free Edition.

Some features, like support for networked environments, boot CD creation and more - features that the average user may not require, will be available to licensed users.

2012-11-14, 09:03
LMAO. :rotfl:

Sorry I just had to reply to laugh at those posts made by those ......

Johnny Sokko
2012-11-16, 01:50
LMAO. :rotfl:

Sorry I just had to reply to laugh at those posts made by those ......

Hey, Bones.

I'm sure that I'm one of "those [people]" that you're referring to, but hey, I'm not the one who made the web page in question so confusing.

Johnny Sokko
2012-11-16, 03:08
Maybe it helps if you re-read what I wrote. ;)

Hi, Sandra.

Thanks for dropping in and trying to explain. And just so you know, I did read everything that you wrote (in fact, I read all of it several times) before I posted my question, and I just re-read it all again — and I'm still confused about some things. :confused:

Please take no offense at my following criticism, but I think it might be good if you tried explaining the situation a little better. And the web page in question (this one: http://www.safer-networking.org/personal/purchase/) is in need of a major rewrite to be made more clear.

For example, here are some of the confusing points: You said, "All precious features like scanning, fixing and passive protection features such as the immunization will still be available. Of course shredding files is an essential part of the free version as well. Separate scans for Rootkits or single file scans are also part of Spybot - Search & Destroy 2.0 Free Edition. Some features, like support for networked environments, boot CD creation and more - features that the average user may not require, will be available to licensed users.

Okay, that seems to be clear enough. Spybot S & D 2.0 will eventually be made available in two versions: a free version for private home-users, and a licensed professional version with additional features. I understand that.

However, what I don't understand are the following two things:

1.) When I click the link ( http://www.safer-networking.org/ ) for the free version, it takes me to the professional version (the version in which there will be a charge for the license). This is extremely confusing, and it gives the impression that there will be no free version of Spybot S & D 2.0 (only the professional version) since there is no mention of the free version — nor is there any option to download and try the release candidate of the free version, either. The site is giving the impression that there isn't a free version of Spybot S & D 2.0, and unless someone comes here to the forums for more info, they will certainly be led to believe that's the case. In other words, the wording on the site could be scaring away many potential future users of Spybot S & D 2.0.

2.) And this is even more confusing: On this page here ( http://www.safer-networking.org/personal/purchase/ ), on the right side of the page, it says, "Spybot 2.0 Professional Edition is for private use only. If this is not for private use, please click here."

Well, what's so confusing to many people, including me, is that the free version is the one that's supposed to be for private home-use, and the Professional Edition is supposed to be for, well, professionals. But the wording on the above page seems to say otherwise — as it appears to be describing the Professional Edition as being the one that's for private home-use. And once again, it gives the impression that there will be no free version.

Do you see what I mean, and do you see how confusing that is?

I'm sure that most people visiting your main site are not coming to the forums for more information, and to them (the majority of your users), you are giving them the wrong impression — since it appears that Spybot S & D 2.0 is only going to be available in the professional version (for which there will be a charge) — since no mention is made of the free version.

That needs to be fixed.

2012-11-16, 10:41

If you click on the link for the free version you will be taken to the download page (http://www.safer-networking.org/dl/).
If you scroll down a little bit you can download the actual free version here.


If you want to test the Release Candidate you can choose the tab "Beta Software" on the Download page and download it here.


Best regards
Team Spybot

2012-11-18, 12:31

It is true that there are several page that talks about the same thing but in different words and it is not really clear!



you just rewrite your program, would be good to see the layout of your site that has been redone but not clearly


2012-11-18, 19:56
If I may give some info to these posts, I am using the "Spybot Search & Destroy 2" FREE Edition on my Win7 64bit computer without a need to discuss the FREE version or Payed. I downloaded said program and loaded without the need for the Pro version by denying the installation of the additional features that are for the Pro version.

Mine is the FREE version and not a problem.

2012-11-19, 13:01

The site will have some improvements later today.
Pssst...... (http://www.safer-networking.org/2012/spybot-2-will-be-availabel-later-today/) ;)

Best regards
Team Spybot