View Full Version : Start Spybot in "basic" mode

2011-09-09, 05:09
I have Spybot running in advanced mode and now whenever I start it (even by clicking the executable in the folder, not using /advanced in the shortcut), it asks me to select update files from the list (but doesn't present a list) then once I click 'ok' it starts to scan. However I never had a chance to download update files. Is there a way to make Spybot go back to starting in basic mode so I can go back to doing it the old fashioned way?

2011-09-09, 06:42
To get Spybot back into Basic Mode,click Mode,then Default Mode.

I don't think that message is caused by having Spybot in advanced mode.
When Spybot asks you to select update files from the list,does it look like this,with the warning at the top?
If so,then there is a beta file available you can download to see if it will fix it.

To use this beta file, extract the downloaded archive into the main application folder (usually C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\).

then once I click 'ok' it starts to scan

Would you prefer that Spybot not automatically start scanning,also?If so,please let me know. :)

2011-09-10, 16:21
Thanks Zenobia. I think it worked. The only issue is that it says there are no updates so I'm not sure how it will work when it does. Thanks for your help!!

2011-09-10, 21:21
You're welcome. :)
New detection updates will probably be released next Wednesday.If you have any problems updating then,please post back.