View Full Version : banload.bho warning

2011-10-17, 22:55
Please forgive my ignorance if this has already been answered. I have used the most recent updated version of Spybot in the last few days and noticed that the 'Heursitic' check is showing a warning of a red cross marking files with a 'banload.bho' tag.

I am trying to find out if this is really a problem.

I have also checked the entire PC with 'Malwarebytes, ESET NOD32, Windows own security and nothing shows up on any virus check as being a problem. I have even looked at files in 'safety mode' to try and locate any potential problem data. Spybot shows nothing either when the entire system is checked. The check comes back clean.

The 'Banload' warning only appears when an individual downloaded file is checked on its own. I have checked old MP3 and Mpeg4 files downloaded from reputable sites and they now show the warning symbol too, when they didnt previously. I have also checked an MP3 zip file downloaded yesterday from a legitimate site on another PC that I have on a memory stick. And this also shows the warning symbol.

I have spoken to various people who either can't help or say there isn't a problem. Have I got anything to worry about?????

Any comments would be great.

Ken Pettett
2011-10-18, 23:46
I've had the same experience - the 'banload.bho' warning appears when I carry out an individual check on a zipfile with Spybot - even on files that I have previously checked.

I suspect that Spybot is being over-zealous but I've deleted the files without unzipping them anyway - I hope this is enough