View Full Version : I'm totally new and frustrated. Administrator Problems, please help.

2011-10-31, 01:05
Hi, I am totally new here, am not in any way computer savy. I have installed spybot because of issues with my laptop that I am way to tired to go into right now but suffice it to say that I have been messing with this computer since 9:00 am and I have been having problems with spybot letting me do certain things as far as unchecking boxes, although it let me shred, because it is asking me to sign in as administrator.

I am signed in on the administrator account already. I have already gone and done the whole, start, right click, run as administrator thing, more than once and it's not working. I have 9 viruses or whatever, I am so over this.

Any suggestions???: Please and Thank you.

2011-10-31, 02:57
Hello DebbieD,

I am signed in on the administrator account already. I have already gone and done the whole, start, right click, run as administrator thing, more than once and it's not working.
"On Windows Vista and Windows 7, Spybot-S&D might tell you that you are not authorized to perform some actions, since they require Administrator rights. You can solve this problem as follows:

1. Right-click the Spybot - Search & Destroy entry in your start menu, instead of just left-clicking to start it.
2. Choose Run as administrator from the context menu."

From our FAQ here: http://www.safer-networking.org/en/faq/42.html

I have 9 viruses or whatever, I am so over this.
Spybot-S&D is not an anti virus program, could you give more details please. :)

Best regards.