View Full Version : Starting to receive "Enabled" requests with SB

2011-11-16, 13:59
Hey guys brand new here and ran into my first problem/issue so joined up. ;-)

I'm starting to see regular programs on the PC such as Starcraft 2 and Xfire (this morning) with something like this as a popup to enable changes

(Path_to_.exe) :Enabled Starcraft2

Same with Xfire this morning. What's enabled exactly and does everything check out?

2011-11-18, 05:05
You are using Spybot version 1.6.2? :)

Could you post your resident log?Open Spybot,click Mode->Advanced Mode->Tools,then Resident.In the window to the right,rightclick and select Select All,then rightclick and select Copy,then paste it here.