View Full Version : Av 2001

2011-11-25, 03:09
My brother recently discovered he had this malware-spyware on his new desktop computer. Will Spybot get rid of this malware and all the accompanying trojans that came with it?

2011-11-25, 03:13
Sorry, typo! Supposed to be AV2011, not 2001

2011-11-25, 03:46
Hello wvgranny,

In order for someone to offer advice they would need to take a look at the system.

Please see the sticky which includes guidelines for this forum and instructions in post #2 on how to provide the preliminary "DDS" logs which are used for analysis.
"BEFORE You POST"(Please read this Procedure Before Requesting Assistance) (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

Then start a new topic providing the DDS logs and a volunteer analyst will advise you when available. :)

If DDS won't run and produce a log please start a new topic anyway and explain the situation.

Best regards.