View Full Version : 'Not a valid zip archive' in SB recovery area

2011-12-13, 19:34
Just wondering if anyone can tell me what is going on with the following situation:

After removing selected problems I immediately go to the recovery area to purge same problems. When I click 'select all items' I get a message box and warning sound appear twice or three times stating ' This archive is not a valid zip archive'... it has to be clicked out of each time before the purge will continue... the same happens when I actually select 'Purge items' and I have to click out of it before the problem items then disappear.

Thanks very much for your help.



2011-12-16, 10:24

Which version of Spybot-S&D do you run?

May I ask why "After removing selected problems I immediately go to the recovery area to purge same problems."? What's the reason for this?
Was anything wrong with the fixing? Or why are you trying to undo your actions?

Best regards
Team Spybot