View Full Version : Spybot-S&D 2.0 (Beta) Overview's

Passing Through
2012-01-26, 05:04
My two penny's worth for people thinking of using Beta 4:

The new interface looks really good, its easy to use & easy to install. When using "advanced mode" there are several new tools available that are handy & bring it up to a level with its competitors.

Unfortunately the Live Protection seems to be resource high & can slow your computer down, especially when your desktop is loading.

The scan results can be confusing, especially for people not so computer savvy. There are still way too may false positives that it identifies as malware, easy to delete things you shouldn't. :oops:

Until the kinks within Spybot 2 Beta -Search & Destroy are ironed out I'd stick with Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 & avoid being a guinea pig...

I look forward to a stable release of Spybot 2 :rockon: