2012-03-13, 12:54
table tr td width=100%We are happy to announce an all new version of our file analyzer a href=index.php?page=filealyzerFileAlyzer/a. Even though there is only a small increase in the version number, many interesting new features were integrated. Some highlights are: ul liFileAlyzer now supports files of more than 2 GB size/li liSuspicious files can be analysed with a href= from within FileAlyzer to scan them with dozens different virus scanners at the same time/li liFileAlyzer's graphical user interface is now Unicode compatible — so even the most exotic characters in analysed files are displayed correctly/li liMajor speed improvements in the Hashes tab/li /ul pHead over to a href=index.php?page=filealyzerFileAlyzer's product page/a to read more about this release or just a href= it/a directly. FileAlyzer is free, but if it is any useful to you, you may a href=index.php?page=donateconsider a donation/a./p /td td style=padding-left: 1ex; text-align: center; object width=400 height=255param name=movie value=;hl=de_DEamp;rel=0/paramparam name=allowFullScreen value=true/paramparam name=allowscriptaccess value=always/paramembed src=;hl=de_DEamp;rel=0 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess=always allowfullscreen=true width=400 height=255/embed/object span style=font-size:small;Video demonstration of some new features/span /td /tr /table
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