View Full Version : "before you post" insists posting both logs

2012-09-19, 23:42

The "before you post" says post and zip attach. BOTH reports. mbr black box @ finish says only send if requested.

forum headline only mentions one. "post your dds log here".

I copied and pasted to notepad. How to zip and attach that? No send options on right click.:confused:

hopen that helps

2012-09-19, 23:54
Hello healing41,

A tad :scratch: by your topic. :)

FAQ: http://forums.spybot.info/showpost.php?p=1150&postcount=2

forum headline only mentions one. "post your dds log here".

Fixed that. :thanks:

2012-09-20, 03:50

I mean there is no right click option to zip the file and then I attach to post

thanks taichi

2012-09-20, 04:07
Hello healing41,

The DDS and aswMBR logs are to be copy pasted into topic.

Only the attach.txt is to be attached and if you cannot do that just mention in topic. :)

2012-09-20, 04:11

I have my first own computer and am trying to customize. I have problems with connection and messages saying long running scripts are slowing me down.
I think some times my machine oscillates..
Sites I used to go to I cant now.
I think they even try to block you guys and malware detectors.
it seems like search engines are battling for control. so slow.
i installed sound generators,face manipulators, tv things..
mwb, hjt, ssad, i uninstalled all of them.

Could you help me do it right?
i got the logs and i ran spybot.

o btw you say to disable tea timer @tools. there"s an option at spybot installation to uncheck teatimer (i Did). I cant find teatimer in tools or settings

Thanks ALL

2012-09-20, 04:26
Hello healing41,

I have my first own computer and am trying to customize.
Is the computer infected? Has this anything to do with your previous thread: http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=66379

Also, please clarify,

I think some times my machine oscillates..

Best regards. :)

2012-09-22, 22:49
I really like having three search engines right in front of me. I am studying the I-CHING and energy medicine (healthy). There is a lot of copying and comparing manuscripts.

Since I have to search hell aaand high water i don't want pups.

My pointer would square wave on me. blink off and on about 3 hz. i though some browsers were fighting amongst themselves for position.

i tried to remove yahoo from add-on managment console now.now. have to refresh the page every time it loads.

Still have portions of acer/bing/ms toolbar that come up.

i entered sound dabble, my web face,(have fun with your face) and tv fanatic.

There always slow logoffs, shutdowns have said programs and some times long running scripts.

I was downloading a hosts file for the previous ssad and balked and then tried again..mwb said i was having trouble w/hostsfile.

I have three diff accts 1 admin. I'd like to have three aact for different purposes. So that's what i'm trying to accomplish

Is it possible to do that without giving them all takeover privileges?

You guys are great

2012-09-23, 19:05

I have three diff accts 1 admin. I'd like to have three aact for different purposes. So that's what i'm trying to accomplish

Is it possible to do that without giving them all takeover privileges?

http://windows.microsoft.com/is-IS/windows7/User-accounts-frequently-asked-questions (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Create-a-user-account)

Hope that helps. Also, Microsoft Answers forums contain useful information: http://answers.microsoft.com/

Best regards,