View Full Version : New bug?

2012-09-30, 07:31
Hey folks, long time since I been active in the forums here. Hoping all is well for everyone. Guess what, I got a nasty bug, that I can FEEL it, SEE its effects but I can find it to delete it. Hoping you all can help.

WinXP Pro, x86, fully updated thru Sept2012, fresh install 3 days old, IE6 (not in use), Iron: Chrome- 21.0.1200.0 (Developer Build 151001 Windows).

As you can see by my attachments, its accessing my internet, Peerblock blocks it contacting WORLDSTREAM IPv4.16, so apparently doing buisness with this group is NOT GOOD, so their in the block list! Look at nex screen shot, you can see its a "Non-exsistent" service, so doesnt show in Task manager.

anyway, thoughts, I ideas?

I am a BETA tester from years ago, still have original beta testing client installed, so if your already working on this one, lets test away!!!!!!!!!

2012-09-30, 18:01
Sorry, Had to get this off rig ... gone now, had to use another product. Thanks anyway!

2012-10-01, 05:15
apparently its still around ........


Superfish is on my rig