View Full Version : Fatal system error c00021a after fix

2012-10-19, 21:26
Spybot S&D (SSD) was running on a XP SP3 in Safe Mode to detect malware. It advised for the correction of 3 registry keys associated with a tracker identified as "Yoobo", or something alike. On prompt, a registry backup was made with SSD. Than the detected problems were solved by SSD (which probably deleted the 3 registry entries). The system was restarted. And it kept restarting over and over. This was stoped in the start consolole. XP would not start with any of the options available, as a message «STOP: c00021a{fatal system error} The Windows Logon Process process terminated unexpectedlly with a status of 0xc0000135 (0x00000000 0x00000000). The system has been shut down.» appeared.
An atempt was made to recover the system with the XP cd. The administrator password was not accepted and the only way to go through was to ignore the password. That worked. Chkdsk /r was run. Disk errors were found and fixed. But the win logon problem was not solved and the same message is displayed. An instalation of "mini XP" was attempted to access the SSD program and restore the saved registry. "mini XP" could not start and the CD it is on is not recognized as bootable any more.
I need to have my system running so I can do my job. Please help me.

2012-10-23, 15:44

I am sorry, to hear that.
As we have no "Yoobo" in our detection database you probably mean Spybot-S&D was scanning for "Yontoo".
But regarding this we only have this "RegyKey" in our detections:
which could not have caused such a boot failure.
So we would like to know what could have caused this (as this also hasn't been reported before).

The problem after the Mini XP Backup can have several reasons.
You could have a wrong boot order in your BIOS, or the CD was not burned correctly, or it was not burned as bootable, or the CD drive does not work.

What you can do now is:

You can use the recovery console to re-write the boot sector. (http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B307654&x=10&y=15)

The command fixboot (http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/wxprcons.html) is the one which you should use.

You will need a boot medium for replacing damaged files. Here are three examples which you can use:

Ubuntu (http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu)

Knoppix (http://www.knoppix.org/)

Ultimate Boot CD (http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/)

Windows PE (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows...on_Environment)

If this works we would like to see your Spybot-S&D logs afterwards.
Important would be your latest Scan and Fixes log.
They should be stored here:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Logs .

A detailed bug report regarding this case would be helpful, so we can see what could have caused this.
Thanks. :)

Best regards
Team Spybot