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View Full Version : Keep certain cookies, keep logged in (Opera)

2012-12-04, 09:31
Hi dear awesome Spybot-Guys!

I was thrilled as the new version of SB came out and I downloaded immediately. I like it very much, but I still have a rather annoying issue with it, I couldn't quite solve.

I'm using Opera 12.11.1661 and here I'm deleting all new cookies when I close Opera (it's a setting you can check in Opera), except for certain sites, where I want to keep them, e.g. forums or such sites.

With SB 1.6 I had no issues at all, I knew, when I'm immunizing the system, I'll lose those cookies aswell, but that was fine with me.
With SB 2.0 those cookies are deleted everytime I close Opera. In the settings, Opera is unchecked on the "Browser" tab, I also tried it with unchecking "Cookies.sbi" on the "Categories" tab, but my login informations still are deleted again and again.

It becomes rather annoying, because I often visit certain sites and forums where I don't want to login 3 times a day or so. Is there a setting where I can safe certain cookies from being deleted or something similar?

2012-12-04, 16:49

Did you immunize with Spybot 2?
Perhaps you have checked to disable all third party cookies after a scan with Spybot? To check please open the System Scan and choose "Disable 3rd-party Cookies" from the navigation bar on the left. Is anything mentioned here regarding your profile?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2012-12-04, 19:36
Hi! =)

Thank you, for your quick respone!

Yes, I immunized my computer once, back then I also immunized Opera and I'm aware that this is also deleting my cookies, but the shouldn't keep being deleted.

I have not checked this option on purpose, when I click on "Disable 3rd Party cookies" a window pops up that is asking me to accept disabling the listed 3rd-party-cookies. Listed are my Computer (Internet Explorer) and Mozilla Firefox. I didn't click "OK".

In "System Integration" in the settings, all 5 processes are enabled (Win Explorer 32, 64bit, Internet Explorer, Autoplay User, Autoplay System). On the "Browser" tab I only unchecked "Opera", both "Internet Explorer" are checked.

2012-12-10, 10:42
Am I the only one, having this issue? I really don't want to deinstall SpyBot 2.0 because I lose my login cookies. Is there no way to prevent that? :/