• Welcome Guest, to the Spybot Forums! It's 2025, and we just upgraded our forum software.

    Today is Safer Internet Day, and with our new forum, you can finally use passkeys to login. That was about time!

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    We'll also start using the forum for small bits of information, announcements and more again.

Keep certain cookies, keep logged in (Opera)


New member
Hi dear awesome Spybot-Guys!

I was thrilled as the new version of SB came out and I downloaded immediately. I like it very much, but I still have a rather annoying issue with it, I couldn't quite solve.

I'm using Opera 12.11.1661 and here I'm deleting all new cookies when I close Opera (it's a setting you can check in Opera), except for certain sites, where I want to keep them, e.g. forums or such sites.

With SB 1.6 I had no issues at all, I knew, when I'm immunizing the system, I'll lose those cookies aswell, but that was fine with me.
With SB 2.0 those cookies are deleted everytime I close Opera. In the settings, Opera is unchecked on the "Browser" tab, I also tried it with unchecking "Cookies.sbi" on the "Categories" tab, but my login informations still are deleted again and again.

It becomes rather annoying, because I often visit certain sites and forums where I don't want to login 3 times a day or so. Is there a setting where I can safe certain cookies from being deleted or something similar?

Did you immunize with Spybot 2?
Perhaps you have checked to disable all third party cookies after a scan with Spybot? To check please open the System Scan and choose "Disable 3rd-party Cookies" from the navigation bar on the left. Is anything mentioned here regarding your profile?

Best regards
Team Spybot
Hi! =)

Thank you, for your quick respone!

Yes, I immunized my computer once, back then I also immunized Opera and I'm aware that this is also deleting my cookies, but the shouldn't keep being deleted.

I have not checked this option on purpose, when I click on "Disable 3rd Party cookies" a window pops up that is asking me to accept disabling the listed 3rd-party-cookies. Listed are my Computer (Internet Explorer) and Mozilla Firefox. I didn't click "OK".

In "System Integration" in the settings, all 5 processes are enabled (Win Explorer 32, 64bit, Internet Explorer, Autoplay User, Autoplay System). On the "Browser" tab I only unchecked "Opera", both "Internet Explorer" are checked.
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Am I the only one, having this issue? I really don't want to deinstall SpyBot 2.0 because I lose my login cookies. Is there no way to prevent that? :/