2013-02-06, 16:07
The following instructions have been created to help you to get rid of "Fraud.PostalReceipt" manually.
Use this guide at your own risk; software should usually be better suited to remove malware, since it is able to look deeper.
If this guide was helpful to you, please consider donating towards this site (
Threat Details:
Fraud.PostalReceipt pretends to be a document file. It claims to be a postal receipt to get executed. Once executed it opens the editor and shows a faked postal receipt while it connects to its malicious servers in the background.
Removal Instructions:
Important: There are more files that cannot be safely described in simple words. Please use Spybot-S&D ( to remove them.
Final Words:
If neither Spybot-S&D nor self help did resolve the issue or you would prefer one on one help,
Please read these instructions ( before requesting assistance,
Then start your own thread in the Malware Removal Forum ( where a volunteer analyst will advise you as soon as available.
Use this guide at your own risk; software should usually be better suited to remove malware, since it is able to look deeper.
If this guide was helpful to you, please consider donating towards this site (
Threat Details:
Fraud.PostalReceipt pretends to be a document file. It claims to be a postal receipt to get executed. Once executed it opens the editor and shows a faked postal receipt while it connects to its malicious servers in the background.
Removal Instructions:
Important: There are more files that cannot be safely described in simple words. Please use Spybot-S&D ( to remove them.
Final Words:
If neither Spybot-S&D nor self help did resolve the issue or you would prefer one on one help,
Please read these instructions ( before requesting assistance,
Then start your own thread in the Malware Removal Forum ( where a volunteer analyst will advise you as soon as available.