View Full Version : Spybot S&D 2 crash everytime (not malware problems)

2013-04-17, 10:33
It's my first post hero but I try to be gentle :-D . I've searched for problems like this, but I couldn't find anything.

I've no malware problems now, I've tried with the previous version (1.6.2) and let me run without any problem. But when I update to the version 2 and try to run it for first time, it crash. If i try to execute some of the subprograms in the directory, it runs at first, but some time after start, it crash again. I've tried to run with the compatibility configuration but it fails anyway after some time.

I've runs some antivirus and some others similar programs, and does not detect any malware, so I don't know what's the problem.

I'm running Windows 7 Home premium SP1 (64 bits) and my actual antivirus it's the AVG free edition 2012 (I've used others to check the problem, but they are currenly uninstalled)

2013-04-17, 14:09

So when does it crash?
During a System Scan?

What exactly do you mean with crashing?
Does the pc shut down?
Does it freeze?
Do you get any error message?

Best regards
Team Spybot

2013-04-17, 17:00
Te program crash at start them (not de O.S., the program) simply does not respond and Windows shows a message saying that the program has found a problem and must close. Does not gives any more message.

The PC doesn't shut down, continuous working without problem, but the program doesn't run, always stop and gives the same message "This program has found an error and must close" no more information.

2013-04-17, 18:08
Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall?

2013-04-17, 21:04
Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall?

Yes, thank you, it works :bigthumb:

2013-04-18, 16:04
Yes, thank you, it works :bigthumb:

You're welcome! Glad it solved your issues. Remember, if you get more issues in the future, feel free to post it on the forum since it will help the Spybot Team to improve their software. :)