View Full Version : Spybot 2.1 Pro slows Windows 8 boot, causes Explorer crashes and dont load itself

2013-05-24, 11:50
Ok, this is a litte Bug or Problem-Report for the new Spybot 2.1 into Professional-Mode, which appears on Windows 8 productive system.

Since, i did'nt install the Beta of Spybot 2.1 on productive system, i only dicover this problems now, when having it installed on a productive system and i discover it only on Windows 8 and only if Spybot 2.1 runs as Professional-Version.

This are the problems:

1. If Spybot is active, the boot-procedure of Windows 8 takes very long time, especially the init after the login-window of windows. During this longer init, Spybot causes a 90% disk-usage and a hight cpu-usage.

2. If you now dont wait for Spybot to fully load, before you start other Programs or open the Windows-Explorer, the Windows-Explorer freezes, it cant display the content of any device and metro-apps cannot acces the internet.

3. In some cases, the problem of point 2 leads into, that Taskmanager shows, Spybot as active with hight resource-usage all the time, but there is no Spybot-Tray-Icon shown and if you click the link for the Start-Center on Desktop, nothing happens, the Program dont even open, not as Admin and not as normal User.

Only a reboot of the System can solve the problem of point 3, but only if you now wait till Spybot stopped taking hight drive and cpu-usage.

2013-05-24, 12:16
Update: As long as the Live-Protection is installed, the Problem with the freezing Windows-Explorer remains, also if you have wait for Spybot to start a long time.
I now uninstalled the Live-Protection and actually it seems as this (the Live-Protection) was/is the root of evil.

2013-06-18, 13:24

As this has also been reported by users who have the free version it probably can't be the Live Protection.
It would be helpful if you can take a look in the task manager, if you see a specific module that is using up CPU.
Knowing which module it was would help a lot.
Thanks. :)

Best regards
Team Spybot

2013-06-18, 13:50

As this has also been reported by users who have the free version it probably can't be the Live Protection.
It would be helpful if you can take a look in the task manager, if you see a specific module that is using up CPU.
Knowing which module it was would help a lot.
Thanks. :)

Best regards
Team Spybot

As far as we figured out, the Problem is not the Live Protection itself, its the Driver of the Live Protection!

On different Systems in our System, we could reproduce, this Driver also gets installed if the Free-Version is used, because the Driver gets installed by defalut from the Installer of Spybot, it only gets disabled (non-active) if Free-Version is used. (but the driver and file is (still) on the System)
But as i already mentioned, it dont help to disable the Live Protection, only if you uninstall it (and uninstall the Driver) the Problem get solved!

However we will have a look on the modules again.

2013-06-19, 17:26
I have been experiencing the exact same issues on a Win 8 Pro with Spybot+AV Home Edition 2.1

I'm not savvy in the technical aspects of this bug, but thought I should report my issue with the details of my configuration now that a thread explaining it has been opened.

Please let me know if their is anything else I can provide to assist in this matter as it has been a real annoyance.
I sometimes have to wait up to 3-5 minutes before I can use my system, before I upgraded to the home edition with AV my system booted in under 30 seconds. :/

2013-06-19, 17:43
Actually it would help if you could test, if uninstalling the Live-Protection helps and/or if u also can figure out witch other Module may be involved causing the issue too

2013-06-19, 19:15
Actually it would help if you could test, if uninstalling the Live-Protection helps and/or if u also can figure out witch other Module may be involved causing the issue too

How do I go about that, without messing up my Spybot installation?

2013-06-20, 12:09
How do I go about that, without messing up my Spybot installation?

This way you can do:

1. Open the Spybot-Start-Center
2. Rightclick the Entry "Settings" and select "Run as Administrator". The Security-Question displayed, anser Yes
3. Open the Register "Live-Protection" and into there click the text-link "Show advanced Settings for Live-Protection"
4. You should see 2 buttons now and one of them should be called "Uninstall Live-Protection-Driver". Click this Button.
5. Click Apply and OK and restart your Computer

2013-06-22, 00:47
This way you can do:

1. Open the Spybot-Start-Center
2. Rightclick the Entry "Settings" and select "Run as Administrator". The Security-Question displayed, anser Yes
3. Open the Register "Live-Protection" and into there click the text-link "Show advanced Settings for Live-Protection"
4. You should see 2 buttons now and one of them should be called "Uninstall Live-Protection-Driver". Click this Button.
5. Click Apply and OK and restart your Computer

Win 8 Pro is working great now, fast boot and even internet and programs seem extra snappy.

2013-06-22, 06:19
Win 8 Pro is working great now, fast boot and even internet and programs seem extra snappy.

Thank you for your help, testing. This proved the problem about the Driver.
I will let the team Spybot knew and hopefully 2.2 will include a fix.