View Full Version : A feu security questions about spybot + AV

2013-10-30, 15:24
K ill be as to the point as fast as i can, i did the rounds on the home page and FAQ the forum and everywhere i could to find for about one hour for the information i was looking for and didn't find it.
Their for i am forced to post my questions about some of the finer points id like to know about in regard to spybot + anti-virus home.

A little bit about my self, bin doing the computer science topic for 30 years give or take some and after getting blasted by hackers one year long ago that destroyed all computers at my end "$3000 in damage" i woke up to the fact that were not in windows 98 land anymore and that theirs some very evil people out their on the net and so my quest to learn about network security\privacy and administration began, its what i do now half the time.

Therefor before i consider any anti-virus the following considerations must be met in part of in full and they all were way back in win95~98 land when it came to most AV.
Now most are just data miners out to farm your hdd.

The considerations in question are the following.

"A" no security suites.
"B" no phoning home for any reason or using any network with out manual consent each time.
"C" no cloud anything or scanning of network environments to probe for network defense weaknesses.
"D" anything submitted to the AV vender has to be reviewed by the computer user\admin first and a full list of what will be sent by the end user each time with the ability to edit what will be sent if and when needed.
"E" forbidden to camp a network port in listening mode.
"F" forbidden to connect to any network for any reason with out consent or interfere with any network function for any reason .
"G" manual full installers for all topics only, online helper installers are forbidden, automatic update's are forbidden, updates will be done from a vpn or open proxy if and when needed.
"H" interference of web browsers or anything to do with networking is forbidden.
"I" no black listing of internet sites or IP of any kind.
"J" any attempt to use any network for any reason with out manual consent each time by the end user may be considered grounds for legal action.
"K" any attempt to harvest data of any kind with out revealing the program was may be considered grounds for legal action regardless of what that data was.

If spybot + anti-virus home doesn't meet some of the requirements, please list the ones it doesn't and why, it might still be ok in my book depending and ill still become a spybot user.

Thank you for your time and understanding in advance and yes i know its my first post but i couldn't find the info i needed anywhere on the forum or the main spybot home page :euro: