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View Full Version : System Scan cannot be viewed, always minimized

2013-11-13, 06:27
I've been having a problem lately with System Scan. When I try to use it, it always appears minimized in the toolbar and I cannot get it to open up for use. I'm using Windows 7 Starter, and I've got Avast! Free running with Spybot 2.0. Recently, a bunch of malware snuck onto our computers, which I think I've got a handle on now, but this makes me wonder. I'll try and install SD 2.2 if you think that'll help.


Namaste, peace & love,

2013-11-13, 11:27
a bunch of malware snuck onto our computers, which I think I've got a handle on now

Which Maleware have this been and how did you handle it?
Can you provide any Log-Files?

I think you should move this thread to the Malware Removal Forum (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?22-Malware-Removal)

2013-11-13, 15:11
Which Maleware have this been and how did you handle it?
Can you provide any Log-Files?

I think you should move this thread to the Maleware-Removal-Thread (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?22-Malware-Removal)

Well, I first updated Avast! Antivirus free to the 2014 edition, then ran a scan and got rid of any infections found on the two computers. I then updated and scanned with MBAM and SAS, which found more infected files. I would need to double-check, but I think that most of the files found were either PUPs or inactive trojans in downloaded games I had backed up on my external HDD. On my other computer, I was able to run Spybot 2.0's system scan but not on this one.

All four programs are free versions (I'm pretty poor) and I have Avast and Spybot running all the time. I only use MBAM and SAS when necessary. Given that my other computer has a scan that runs weekly for most of the day, the active infection was relatively new and, having just finished SAS on it, it only came up with tracking cookies.

On this computer, since I'm running it with the external HDD, there have been several more things found, and SAS is still in process. Thus far, it has found 6 trojans (gen-genome, gen-downloader, gen-kazy, gen-qhost, gen-backdoor, and gen-symmi), all on the ext HDD. Once it's done, I'll post any new finds as it's currently searching C:.

Avast, during a full system scan found only one infection, and that was a win32: malware-gen on the ext. HDD. I had it do a boot-time scan after that (took almost a day to run), and that came up with 6 PUPs (Win32: Somoto J and F) on C:, and 8 threats on the ext. HDD (6 of win32:Sirefef-BUH [Rtk] and 2 of win32:malware-gen).

I wanted to look at the MBAM logs so I went to the directory, which didn't have any recent logs (to be precise, nothing with a mod'd date after June '13). I then ran MBAM Chameleon and had to click on 11 buttons before it was able to run. It updated and is killing known malicious processes right now (no info on anything found). I will post results afterwards.

Most of the infections have been on the HDD, hence my statement that I think I've got it whipped - but one never knows with trojans!

Is that enough information on what I did? I could do a Spybot file scan on C: or whatever.

If necessary, I'll do a system recovery as I've been having some problems during video playback where I get an obnoxious noise coming out that sometimes causes the computer to hang (BSOD) or freeze, and sometimes when starting up or rebooting, the system cannot and stops on a blank black screen. These problems are the result of over-use of restoring via system restore a few months ago. Got the hives all confused, I guess. Poor queen bee! ;)

2013-11-14, 00:51
Aside from the things I already mentioned, the only thing else that SAS found last night was tracking cookies (it's favorite food).

I am running MBAM again to see if it comes up with anything. So far, only a PUP (DTLite - a cd/dvd drive emulator).

Namaste, peace & love,

2013-11-14, 11:57
I recomend you to post this issue into the Malware Removal Forum (http://forums.spybot.info/forumdisplay.php?f=22)

2013-11-14, 16:44
MBAM only found 3 PUPs that are not a threat, and I have excluded them.

SAS, other than the 6 trojans on my ext. HDD, found nothing other than tracking cookies.

I uninstalled SBSD 2.0 and installed 2.2, and now I can access the system scan. It found nothing more serious than level 2 risks.

Namaste, peace & love,

2013-11-15, 15:49
I had to go out today and I have my screensaver set to Avast's screensaver scanner. When I returned, it had discovered an infection and, after fixing that, it wanted to restart. It then went into a boot-time scan (which should be done later tonight) and I know it found at least one more infection of the same type. Fluffer something or other.

I shall open a new thread for malware removal once I can do a DDS and aswmbr.

Namaste, peace & love,

PS: If I restart the computer, I frequently have trouble getting it to start up again - it hangs on a black screen. Shutting down and then starting it seems to be much better. Not sure if this is a Windows problem or an infection.

2013-11-15, 18:21
4 times today, Avast! has found vbs:fluffermine-d [trj] in programdata...windows defender, in a file that appears to have a randomly generated name.

Gopher John
2013-11-15, 18:57
4 times today, Avast! has found vbs:fluffermine-d [trj] in programdata...windows defender, in a file that appears to have a randomly generated name.

It is recommended to disable Windows Defender. Turn Windows Defender on or off (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/turn-windows-defender-on-off#turn-windows-defender-on-off=windows-7)

2013-11-15, 19:32
Possibly important is that Fluffermine only showed up today, and that last night when I shut down Windows added 10 updates. Avast!'s forums are showing that this may be a false positive.

2013-11-15, 23:40
Second topic: http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?69703-Fluffermine-D-trojan-infection&p=446963#post446963

2013-11-16, 03:25
Second topic: http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?69703-Fluffermine-D-trojan-infection&p=446963#post446963

Eh, thanks, I forgot to put that up.

I turned off Defender.