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Immunisation and Global Hosts.i


New member
I have run Immunisation and all is well, but there are 154 Global Hosts remaining (15336 are protected).
Do I worry about this, or just ignore it.
I have XP, Google Chrome and Avast AntiVirus installed. I also use SpyHunter.
Any help would be appreciated.
I haven't used that version for a while,so please bear with me.I'm a bit shaky on remembering how to maneuver around it. :)
It might help to try immunizing just the hosts file again,to see if it works.
Open Spybot,click the Immunize button,once the check is done,scroll down to the bottom of the immunization screen.If Global(Hosts) is listed there,then rightclick somewhere in the Spybot window,select Deselect all,then checkmark only Global(Hosts),then click the Immunize button at the top,to see if it will immunize the hosts file.
If Spybot is unable to immunize the hosts file then,or if the 154 Global(hosts) entries are removed later on,please let me know.
I should explain that I am not a very techy person and confess to not understanding much about my PC.

The Spyhunter Hosts Protection is switched on.
When I looked at the "Hosts notepad" there appears to be 1000's of entries, at the top of the list are these :

" localhost
# Start of entries inserted by Spybot - Search & Destroy www.007guard.com 007guard.com 008i.com www.008k.com 008k.com www.00hq.com 00hq.com 010402.com www.032439.com 032439.com "

This is only a small sample of the list "inserted by Spybot - Search and Destroy" and many contain the words "sex" and "porn" in the titles.

Is this Hosts list supposed to be good Hosts , or a list of bad Hosts ?

If I turn off the Spyhunter Hosts Protection and then run Spybot Immunisation, will it get rid of the bad Hosts ?
No worries,the things listed in your hosts file are supposed to be there,and are safe,as long as is listed beside them.Spybot adds the bad sites listed there so that if you were to unknowingly go to one of the sites listed there,your browser will just show you "Page cannot be displayed" or similar.There's a short explanation about it here:

You can probably configure Spyhunter in some way to allow you to add the additional Spybot host file entries,and keep using Spyhunter Hosts protection,if you prefer that.But I'm not familiar with it,so it might take a bit of trial and error. :)
If you left your immunization window as is without re-selecting everything,then you can go back into immunization,check that only the hosts file is checkmarked.Try clicking the immunization button at the top with the green cross beside it.
If Spyhunter alerts you that there are changes to your hosts file,try clicking the Ignore button,so that it will allow the changes to your hosts file.

If you don't get an alert from Spyhunter,let me know.
I unchecked the Hosts Protection box in Spyhunter, then ran Spybot Immunisation.
This removed the 154 sites to the "protected" list on Spybot.

I then turned Spyhunter Hosts Protection back on.
This produced a message from Spyhunter saying settings had changed and did I accept them, or wish to "restore", I chose "accept".

All now seems well and I thank you for you patient understanding and advice.:bigthumb: