View Full Version : Silent Spybot Scans Preventing Shutdown

2006-08-30, 22:49
I have an automated process that runs silent Spybot scans on user workstations at random times of the day with the following command line switches: /autocheck /autofix /autoclose /taskbarhide

I've found that when scans are running and user's attempt to shutdown or log off, they get thrown back onto the desktop because I'm assuming Spybot is responding to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message with a 0, because if I kill the SpybotSD.exe task I can shutdown. If that's true, I guess I have to live with it. Is there an option that would allow shutdowns, or would this have to be requested for a future release?

2006-09-06, 16:22
I'm guessing there is no current solution for this so I guess my users will be stuck waiting for their Spybot scans (which they have no idea are taking place) to complete before they shutdown.