View Full Version : System scan hangs

2014-01-03, 02:24
I just upgraded from the 1.6 version to the new 2.2 free version. It looks great and everything I have tried has worked except the system scan that starts out fine but gets to Ad.FLVPlayer detection and hangs the system so everything runs sooo slow and the system scan never progresses past 0.0% I let it run for hours and no change or progress. I have to cancel out the program to get the computer back. What do I do to get it running. It never finishes so no log to look at.


2014-02-26, 00:09
I just upgraded from the 1.6 version to the new 2.2 free version. It looks great and everything I have tried has worked except the system scan that starts out fine but gets to Ad.FLVPlayer detection and hangs the system so everything runs sooo slow and the system scan never progresses past 0.0% I let it run for hours and no change or progress. I have to cancel out the program to get the computer back. What do I do to get it running. It never finishes so no log to look at.


The same thing. Ad.FLVPlayer check hangs my laptop (win7 64bit, eset smart security). I tried even SAFE mode and disabling my antivirus. Nothing helps. Any ideas? :confused:

2014-02-26, 15:13
The same thing. Ad.FLVPlayer check hangs my laptop (win7 64bit, eset smart security). I tried even SAFE mode and disabling my antivirus. Nothing helps. Any ideas? :confused:

I've got the same Ad.FLVPlayer stuck.

Any help from support?

2014-02-26, 15:59

I will ask someone to take a look. :)

Best regards.

2014-02-26, 16:37
Are you using any download directories? There should be no problem with the rules in this product.

Works well in my virtual environment.

Please try the these steps:
1. Run Setttings.
2. Select the 'Download Directories' tab. Are there any directories set?

3. Select the 'Ignore Lists' tab. Select the 'Products' sub tab.
4. Select the 'Add...' button and write 'Ad.FLVPlayer' to the text field.
5. Click on the item. Select the 'OK' button. 'Ad.FLVPlayer' should be listed in the window now.
6. Select 'Ok'.

7. Please retry a system scan.

Does the scan still hang?
- If yes, on which product?
- If no, we have isolated a signature block with a problematical rule.

Kind regards,

2014-02-27, 17:11

we checked the Ad.FLVPlayer rules.

Your scenario was not reproducible in our environment. I tweaked one Ad.FLVPlayer rule to enhance the scan performance and added some more to increase the detection ratio.

We will update them on 2014-03-05.

Regards, roberto.

2014-08-19, 15:35

I have updated to the latest version this morning, and I am having the same problem with Spybot freezing within a minute of starting with AD.FLVplayer showing. I have tried switching off my virus protection. Did anyone find a fix for this?


2014-08-27, 19:15
System Hangs at "Product: Zlob.zipCodec downloaded files"

Any workaround?

Windows 7 Ultra
All updates

2014-09-09, 18:01
I guess Spybot does not monitor these posts.....

2015-03-02, 01:22
Scanning is definitely NOT progressing. Apparently Spybot does not monitor their own forums. I have the same issue. Granted, I am running a fully updated version of Vista 64 Home Premium, but here we are and it still is a problem that I didn't find a solution for. Anyone?

2015-04-27, 14:34

Ad.FLVPlayer rules are part of the first signatures that are tested. If the scanner does not progress, it is possible the scanner service crashed. This should be visible within the eventlogs or in the 'Scanner.log' file. Please check this logs, if there is any evidence for a crash.

Zlob.zipCodec rules are part of the last signatures that are tested. So the scanner progressed, but stops during the 'downloaded files' scan. This is the last scan phase. The file system was already checked, just the user defined directory set is
about to be scanned in this phase. So how big is your directory set?

1. Run Setttings.
2. Select the 'Download Directories' tab. Are there any directories set?

Kind regards,