View Full Version : Gal needs help missing Hl150.bpl and unins000.msg and can't open or remove

2014-04-01, 21:07
Bottom line: I need to remove and reinstall SB S&D, but can not. I can not tell you what version.

I'm getting pop ups stating SDTray.exe has system error Hl150.bpl is missing. When I try to open SB, it will not open, rather I get a popup stating: DSWelcome.exe system error: rtl150.bpl is missing.
When I tried to removed the program the popup said: C:\Program files\Spybot Search & Destroy 2\unins000.msg is missing... "

How can I get it off the computer so I can reinstall it?
thank you.

2014-04-02, 02:51
Instead of uninstalling,downloading and installing Spybot over the Spybot already installed should (hopefully) replace the files missing from the Spybot Search & Destroy 2 folder.(The earliest you should have would be Spybot 2.0,and since you're having difficulties,it probably won't hurt to install the Spybot 2.2 over the existing installation.)

Download link is available on the page above.
When installing,if/when Spybot offers to uninstall the pre-existing Spybot already installed on your computer,tell Spybot no.
As you continue on with the install,please install Spybot to the folder it is already installed at.
After that,attempt to open Spybot and see if the errors are gone. :)

2014-04-02, 13:14
It did not work. :( I followed the link and attempted what was suggested above.

Again, the pop-up said:
When I tried to removed the program the popup said: C:\Program files\Spybot Search & Destroy 2\unins000.msg is missing.... get a new copy.

I did notice that the installation pop-up asked if I wanted to remove the 2.1.19 version, in favor of the newer version.
Any ideas?

2014-04-02, 23:54
When I tried to removed the program the popup said: C:\Program files\Spybot Search & Destroy 2\unins000.msg is missing.... get a new copy.
Were you trying to uninstall again,or did you get the pop-up when trying to install the new copy over the top of the one already installed? :)

2014-04-03, 00:13
If you have a paid version of Spybot,please don't do this,as you would probably lose your license files.
But if you have the free version,it should be okay for you to remove the Spybot folder from Program Files.Go to the location your Spybot Search & Destroy 2 folder is at:
C:\Program files
(it would be C:\Program Files (x86) if you had 64-bit)
,then rightclick and select delete.Hopefully,if that is gone,maybe you can install the newer copy now. :)

2014-04-06, 00:52
Hi, I mis-typed above I meant to type when I tried to install the program over the existing program, then I got all those listed pop ups stopping me.

If I throw out the folder [assuming it lets me], doesn’t that leave behind parts of the program stuck somewhere in the registry?

I have a 32 bit computer running windows.

My version of S S&D is the free version with donation given.

I’m not certain which item to try to remove. There seem to be a couple potential items. See attached screen print of the C drive.
Thanks. 

2014-04-06, 06:13
If I throw out the folder [assuming it lets me], doesn’t that leave behind parts of the program stuck somewhere in the registry?
Yes,but since you are planning to reinstall,it shouldn't matter,since the registry entries would be overwritten,the differences between the 2.1 version and 2.2 are somewhat minimal,so hopefully there would be no problems there.The idea here is to remove the Spybot Search & Destroy folder,and hope that when installing Spybot again it would not detect the older version installed.That's somewhat iffy,though,so I would like to go back to the reinstalling option.

So,to backtrack,after my last post,I wondered what was happening to cause reinstalling problems,so I went into my own Spybot folder and removed the rtl150.bpl,the unins000.msg and threw in the unins000.dat file for good measure,and then downloaded and reinstalled Spybot,and the files were replaced,and it seemed to be none the worse for wear.So then I looked back over the posts here,and noticed:

I did notice that the installation pop-up asked if I wanted to remove the 2.1.19 version, in favor of the newer version.
Any ideas?
If you did not uncheck the box when prompted by Spybot,then when it tried to uninstall the older version you would get the same "C:\Program files\Spybot Search & Destroy 2\unins000.msg is missing." error message as when you try to uninstall the program from add/remove programs,I believe.
That's what I meant when I said to tell Spybot no about the former installation,I just couldn't remember the exact wording(and can't now,since I reinstalled a few days ago):

When installing,if/when Spybot offers to uninstall the pre-existing Spybot already installed on your computer,tell Spybot no.As you continue on with the install,please install Spybot to the folder it is already installed at.
So,yes,since this is by far the easiest option,if you did not uncheck the box to remove the 2.1.19 version when you tried before,please try reinstalling Spybot once again,this time unchecking the box.
If that does not work,then let me know,and we'll see what can be done from there. :)

2014-04-09, 14:02
I unchecked the box and it installed. :)
The odd thing was that I thought I originally unchecked that box and still got the problem. I must be going brain-dead.
Thank you for your kind assistance!

2014-04-09, 21:15
Good,I'm glad it worked.
You're welcome. :)