View Full Version : The update error message: Is SPYBOT or my computer causing it??

2014-04-09, 23:01
Having just reinstalled Spybot, and then running the update, I am notified of this:

With a Red bar on the left and message on the right: An error occurred during antispyware updates!

Is this a problem with Spybot or is something in my computer stopping PUPS-C.sbi and Trojans-sbi from being downloaded?

Should I be concerned? The details are below this.
Thanks for you help- Mrs. M. :)

[00:00.000] [i] Update started...
[00:00.000] [+] Updating Service is active.
[00:00.000] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates1.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:00.400] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:00.810] [.] Info file part done.
[00:00.810] [.] Testing which updates apply to this version...
[00:00.870] [+] Trojans-C.sbi is missing and will be installed (version 20140408).
[00:00.950] [+] PUPS-C.sbi is missing and will be installed (version 20140408).
[00:01.030] [.] Downloading updates...
[00:01.040] [+] File "PUPS-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
[00:02.110] [+] Downloaded archive "PUPS-C.sbi-20140408.cab" from http://www.spybotupdates.com/updates/spybot2/.
[00:02.110] [-] Hash 811f9bc8caf468ba3bd869663d52a221 for archive "PUPS-C.sbi-20140408.cab" does not match expected hash C1A99145CE6ABEF20FD8E7DF92BCC5F6!
[00:02.110] [+] File "Trojans-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
[00:02.500] [+] Downloaded archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20140408.cab" from http://filehorse.spybot-updates.com/updates/spybot2/.
[00:02.500] [-] Hash cf846749f36aa432604c13fd1807d53a for archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20140408.cab" does not match expected hash FBDA108E5222FECC76B7268640E64264!
[00:02.500] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:02.510] [+] Installed 2 updates.

2014-04-12, 06:36
I don't think it would be a problem with your computer.I think it is a problem with the two updates.
Your logfile is showing this:
[00:02.110] [-] Hash 811f9bc8caf468ba3bd869663d52a221 for archive "PUPS-C.sbi-20140408.cab" does not match expected hash C1A99145CE6ABEF20FD8E7DF92BCC5F6!
[00:02.500] [-] Hash cf846749f36aa432604c13fd1807d53a for archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20140408.cab" does not match expected hash FBDA108E5222FECC76B7268640E64264!
For the second one listed,Spybot expected "Trojans-C.sbi-20140408.cab" to have the hash value FBDA108E5222FECC76B7268640E64264,but instead it has the hash value

This might be somewhat similar to the checksum errors that used to be shown back in the ancient history days(in internet years,2008 is ancient history.) :laugh:
There is a description posted here.The links posted there are no longer available,but what is posted might be useful:

A "Bad checksum" error indicates that after an update file is download there was a discrepancy between the expected MD5 hash value of that file and the actual MD5 hash value of that downloaded file as received by your system. There can be several causes for this problem, it can because the download of that file timed out and never completed or that there was a problem with the transmission itself resulting in a corrupted downloaded file.

Your logfile does show the two updates were installed:

[00:02.510] [+] Installed 2 updates
But in light of the two hash values being different,you might want to wait until tomorrow,and try updating again,to see how it goes. :)