View Full Version : Reading Scan Results

2014-04-14, 22:01
Ok, I'm sure this is covered somewhere, but I haven't found it and I'm tired.
After a scan has finished and the results are shown, when the colored bar goes from green on the left to red on the right, how do you interpret that?
How about green that only goes 1/4 of the way down the bar? A little help please.

2014-04-15, 06:56
In Spybot 2.1/2.2?
If you click on anything found in the scan with your mouse pointer,over to the right you should see details,then the green or red bar.Then below that you should see Estimated Danger:and whatever its classed as(Very low,etc.)
A one is very low,and a 10 is "Get ready for armageddon!"(No,I kid,I kid!I've never actually seen a 10 warning,I'm not sure what it says.) :laugh:
There also should be a link you can click on below the estimated danger,also,and it should search this forum for what was found.It usually works best if you are logged in. :)