View Full Version : repair environment - exit how?

2014-04-21, 00:04
I've replaced McAfee with Spybot +AV Home, but ended up in "repair environment" although my level supposedly doesn't support it. Clicked again to find it opened twice and me locked out. Only user running Win8 with full admin rights. How do I exit the damn thing?

2014-04-21, 02:34
This may vary,since I'm on Windows 7.You may need to get into desktop mode,or something,where you're on Windows 8.
But over to the left,click System,then Exit.

2014-04-21, 16:15
Turned out that my Win8 desktop background had been frozen. I had considerably limited Windows permissions to connect to the internet automatically and do whatever it likes. That may have contributed to the issue, not sure. But, I went into Control Panel and changed my theme and renamed it. After that the frozen screen images disappeared and a restart finished the job. Re-share or repost this for others if you like.

2014-04-22, 01:35
Glad that you were able to exit repair environment,thanks for giving the details. :)
There's a little bit here about protected repair environment if you ever need to use it: