View Full Version : MISSING antivirus library after upgrade to SB+AV 2.3

2014-06-07, 13:46
Hi attached should be self explanatory and log does not identify problem
A problem ticket has been filed with Support.

2014-06-07, 18:18
OK, I didn't get any feedback or help so I proceeded with the assumption that something went wrong with my 2.3 install.
I uninstalled what I thought was an upgrade to my 1.6.2 to 2.3 when I purchased the antivirus version.
The uninstall asked for a reason and I provided it.

I returned to SaferNetwork site and downloaded 2.3 and after it installed I ended up with update problem identified in another thread that required renaming a .dll module. I did that and resolved my problem. I applied immunization and restarted computer and everything came up green.

So it seems necessary to remove 1.6 before going to 2.3 +AV