View Full Version : Spybot Live Protection

2014-07-10, 11:26
I have Spybot installed but not the anti virus...just the malware.

I note the term Spybot Live Protection. Is this only available when you have the anti virus or do I have this option with just the malware and if so, how do I find it to turn it on?
The icons on the right of the bottom task bar state that live protection is currently turned off.

Thanks for your help.

2014-07-10, 19:53
Live Protection is listed with Spybot Home and Pro,but not with the Free Version.There's a chart here to look at. :)

2014-07-10, 23:38
Dear Zenobia,

Thank you for your answer re Live protection. I hadn't loaded the Home version as I already have AVG internet secyrity and didn't want it to conflict. I am not a knowledgeable person with computers but have been told not to have two anti virus protections. Again my thanks for your help.

2014-07-11, 02:04
You're welcome. :)

2014-07-18, 15:41
I just purchased full version Spybot 2 and now I'm wondering if I have anti-virus protection. I did have AVG. Is this a similar product?

2014-07-18, 16:13
I just purchased full version Spybot 2 and now I'm wondering if I have anti-virus protection. I did have AVG. Is this a similar product?

Why does it say Live Protection Off?

2014-07-18, 21:21
Yes,somewhat similar.If you bought Spybot,an antivirus is included.You can look at the chart:

I just purchased full version Spybot 2 and now I'm wondering if I have anti-virus protection. I did have AVG. Is this a similar product?
Do you still have AVG installed? :)

You might need to install or turn on Live Protection,that's the antispyware/antivirus real-time scanner.
Open Spybot-S&D Start Center,checkmark Advanced User Mode,click Settings(say yes to UAC,if applicable),click the Live Protection tab,click Show Live Protection Advanced controls,if you see "Install Live Protection",click that,or if you see Activate Live Protection,click that.If any boxes from Spybot come up,just follow what it tells you,and let me know how it goes.