View Full Version : Recently upgradad to SB 2.4

2014-07-25, 17:27
I have near constant On Access Dialog "Scanning iexplore.exe". I am afraid to Hide alert because it or future dialogs may be real, but I can not find any information regarding On Access Dialog. Any guidance?

2014-07-25, 23:24
Is that a tiny blue window appearing in the lower right corner of the computer screen,perhaps with a small progress bar?

2014-07-26, 16:04
Is that a tiny blue window appearing in the lower right corner of the computer screen,perhaps with a small progress bar?

Yes. The little blue box. Is my IE infected? Its up right now as I write. I have other dialogs come and go, but the IE dialog stays up for a long time scanning....

2014-07-27, 00:11
It is probably just scanning.I've never had an alert,but I assume if there was an infection of some kind,you'd get an alert or warning window,or something like that.Everything seems ok with Internet Explorer,besides the scanning? :)

2014-07-31, 12:45
It is probably just scanning.I've never had an alert,but I assume if there was an infection of some kind,you'd get an alert or warning window,or something like that.Everything seems ok with Internet Explorer,besides the scanning? :)

Yes.The little blue box is disconcerting without explanation but I'll get over it, Explorer is seemingly fine. TY

2014-08-01, 00:02
You're welcome. :)