View Full Version : 2.4 help

2014-08-15, 22:24
Hey all,

New to 2.4 Free. Been a 1.6.2 guy for years

Have 7pro64 on machine.

Just installed 2.4 today, 1.6.2 still installed. Was waiting to make sure 2.4 works well for this machine before I take off.

Initial Scan found 95 items. All the usual cookies and stuff.

Also did find some registry things and keys and other MS stuff. ON the list what things should I remove. I don't want to cause a total windows meltdown! LOL. Nor do I have time to fix one!

attached is a txt of what it found.

Thanks again all!

2014-08-16, 10:15
Not to worry,when I went through the list,looks like it's a tracking cookie,adobe flash cookies,and the rest look to be Usage Tracks.Tracks aren't harmful,and there's a description of them here:

If you decide to fix the usage tracks,then it shouldn't harm your computer.However,when you go on some websites,etc.,you might need to reenter your passwords,plus some documents listed under recent on your start menu will be removed,etc.

If you would rather not scan for and fix usage tracks,then you can rightclick Spybot Start Center and select Run As Administrator,checkmark Use Advanced Mode,click Settings,the Categories tab,rightclick somewhere in the window to the right,and select Spyware Scan Only. :)