View Full Version : Immunization never completes-leave some files untouched

2014-12-11, 01:30
I just deleted my old version of S&D and downloaded the new version; It's the free version but I have donated in the past because I like S&D.

With the old version I had to launch Immunize twice:

- First do a SW update, then run immunize once with the lower left button which typically left stuff un-immunized. I know because a message always appeared that said something like "XXXXXX files were immunized and YYYYYY files remain un-immunized; Hitting the 2nd button at the top finished the immunization process and the two sets of numbers matched and read something like "565,241 files were immunized out of 565,241 files". Zero un-protected"

- With this new version I see the same message.........."XXXXXXXX files not immunized" but I have no way to finish immunizing the remaining files as now I see only (1) immunize button.

What am I missing?


2014-12-11, 14:13
On the Spybot 1.6.2 version,when you clicked Immunization in the panel to the left,Spybot automatically did an immunization check,and then when you clicked the immunize button with the green cross beside it,that's when it actually immunized.

In the new one,you can click on Apply Immunization in the upper left corner of the immunization page.
Or,you could also click Check System,and once that is done,an Apply Immunization button should become visible in the center of the page. :)

2014-12-11, 21:23
Thanks Zenobia I did those steps again-the same ones I've been doing and no change-still leaves files un-immunized.

- I clicked on Immunize in the upper left and it did its thing but still leaving un-immunized files;

- I ran a full scan (check system) but no Immunize button appeared when it was done.

2014-12-11, 22:19
Try clicking Check System once again,and when it's done,Show details should appear in the lower right corner.Click that,then click Apply Immunization,and then you will be able to see which ones aren't immunizing,and can also post here what isn't immunizing,and I can see if I'm able to help with it. :)

2015-01-15, 21:51
Zenobia I tried your advice although it didn't seem to materially differ from how I have been doing it. I can't get rid of the message saying there are un-immunized files still there.

As to listing or describing what files remain un-immunized it doesn't list them. After a scan I hit FIX. But all efforts to get the un-immunized files immunized has failed.

I don't know what to do. Never had this problem with the prior version. Only this one with the all new GUI.

Any help appreciated.

2015-01-16, 11:21
As to listing or describing what files remain un-immunized it doesn't list them. After a scan I hit FIX.

That would be a system scan you are doing,if you're seeing Fix.What I was talking about was the Check System listed on the immunization page,right below the blue coloured Immunization shown in the upper left of the Immunization page.As viewed in this image. :)
Try clicking Check System once again,and when it's done,Show details should appear in the lower right corner.Click that,then click Apply Immunization,and then you will be able to see which ones aren't immunizing,and can also post here what isn't immunizing,and I can see if I'm able to help with it.

2015-01-17, 20:34
Zenobia I tried what you suggested-no change to problem.

However I did drill down into the results and now see what files are not immunizing-all are related to Firefox/Mozilla, screen shot attached.

Does this tell us anything?

Thank you again for your help. I really like Spybot and want it to work the way it did before I "upgraded". So much for upgrading.

2015-01-18, 05:18
Oh,you have Sea Monkey? :)

It might be that Spybot isn't able to immunize it for some reason,and since I'm not as familiar with Sea Monkey,it might be difficult to find out how come.But I did unimmunize and reimmunize Sea Monkey just now,and it had difficulties immunizing,very slow,though it did eventually work.Let's hope it's the same thing with yours.
Please go back to the area you were when you took the screenshot,rightclick somewhere in the immunization window and select Deselect All.Then scroll down to Mozilla,click on the first entry (HH (default) Cookies),then rightclick and select Select Group,then click Apply Immunization,and see if it works.It may not,since I see your cookies didn't immunize,and mine seems to slow down at Installations,but it's worth a try.

2015-01-18, 21:22
Hi Zenobia,
Sea Monkey is a program I found on the web I used (not totally successfully) to crack emails I needed to read but couldn't due to a formatting issue. I don't need it anymore and will delete but I have to ask-where did you see Sea Monkey? All I saw were a few entries under the Firefox listing in the results window. I don't know where that came from.

As to your advice above I did exactly what you suggested by isolating the objects that would not immunize and again nothing changed.

Can't Safer Networking get involved here? I really appreciate your time but you'd think if they were monitoring this forum they'd jump in with some suggestions considering it's their product.

I can try reaching them but as a rule corporate entities don't give a damn about end-users especially with a free product. As previously mentioned I did send them $50 in the past because I like S&D but I won't keep going around and around and around on it. I need a fix for this now. If you hold any sway with them I would appreciate your using it.

Thank you again Zenobia.

2015-01-19, 04:51
I recognized the icon in your screenshot.

I don't hold any sway with them,I'm an end-user just like you.I've used Spybot since forever,though,and I know a lot about it,so there's no reason I can't answer questions without intervention about it if I know the answer.And all we've done here is get to the point where we found out what wouldn't immunize,which would need to be found out no matter who was answering,and then checked to see if anything could be done with it. :)

Unfortunately,in this case,I don't know the answer since I'm not that familiar with Sea Monkey,so I'll send you along to support: