View Full Version : Cannot Remove Detected Malware

Dennis S
2015-08-28, 11:13
After running full scan with Spybot 2.4 on Win 8.1, it showed over a full page of threats. I had the threats removed, but got the message that "Spybot Search & Destroy could not load the cleaning instructions file. It quoted an access violation at 3067BA1D in Mod. SDCleaner.exc.

I ran the full scan again and this time it only showed five files detected, one marked as Mal C. When I tried to have them removed I got the same "Unable to load the cleaning instructions" message. I did two more full scans this morning, which both showed the same five files, which couldn't be removed and game the same "Failed" message. It had been a month since my last scan.

How do I get Spybot working right again so I can get rid of these files. I have all the lates updates. Thanks in advance.

2015-08-28, 16:34
Hello Dennis S, :welcome:

Did you elevate permissions in Spybot?

How can I get administrator rights under Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8? (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?55946-How-can-I-get-administrator-rights-under-Windows-Vista-Windows-7-Windows-8)

Best regards.

Dennis S
2015-08-28, 21:51
Hello Dennis S, :welcome:

Did you elevate permissions in Spybot?

How can I get administrator rights under Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8? (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?55946-How-can-I-get-administrator-rights-under-Windows-Vista-Windows-7-Windows-8)

Best regards.

Hi tashi,

On my Spybot 2.4 in Win 8.1, I couldn't find where to, or how to, elevate permissions, though I read about them in Help. I did find a "Permissions" listing, which allowed for individual denial, in Properties or S&D 2 Properties, under Advanced Security Settings.

I've included three Print Screens attached below to show exactly what the problem is. I've got one ad popping up, for socks, on every I.E. page I go to that is driving me crazy and really want to get rid of it. I've already set I.E. to reject all pop-ups but that doesn't effect thís one at all. I'm wondering if an uninstall and new download and reinstall might not be the quickest solution. This just started and Spybot had been working great for the last year or so. Thanks for any help you can give me on this. Dennis

Dennis S
2015-08-29, 14:30
In an attempt to get rid of the above mentioned pop-up, I found a program called "Winzipper" installed on my machine. After researching it, I tried to uninstall it, but couldn't. I downloaded a program to uninstall it called Spy Hunter 4. When S-H 4 was finished cleaning up my machine, I ran Spybot scan again and found that all the previous files listed had been eliminated. There were however eight new files marked for removal. This time, Search & Destroy was able to remove them with no error messages or problems. So everything is working fine again. Thanks for your help.

Dennis S

2015-08-31, 22:30
Thank you for letting us know Dennis S. :greeting: