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View Full Version : Can't uninstall Spybot on Windows 10

2015-10-23, 04:49
Hello. I recently upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10, and I noticed that Spybot 2.5.43 was installed with the upgrade (I didn't have it on windows 7). I tried to uninstall it, but an error ocurred (don't remember what caused it, it was several days ago).

The problem is that now every time I start up, I get an error message saying that Spybot can't run because rtl150.bpl is missing, I had to download the uninstall files because they were absent, and now I can't even reinstall/uninstall it because I get the message "Internal error: Cannot find utCompiledCode record for this version of the uninstaller".

So I'm stuck, can't run Spybot, and can't uninstall it either. Can someone help me?


2015-10-23, 15:45
Solved! I uninstalled it :) Didn't notice I could install Spybot without uninstalling the previous version, I did that, and then uninstalled everything fine.