View Full Version : Upgraded free 2.5 to paid--no license

Merrill Cornish
2015-12-03, 01:48
It's been about a year since I purchased Spybot Professional Edition, so I just went on a bought another one. I now think the reason my Anti-Virus wouldn't update was that my license had expired (although a more direct statement of that detail would have been appreciated).

I thought I had run the Post Windows 10 Install utility, but I was still showing 2.4. I found the utility, re-ran it, and got 2.5 Free Edition installed. I went to the website to upgrade.

I paid and got my WorldPAY confirmation. THEN I got stuck in an infinite loop waiting for my license. The screen would occasionally flicker. The legend in the bottom left corner would occasionally flicker between waiting and transferring--but it would never end.

So, I have the old 2.4 Professional Edition (that won't update the Anti-Virus) and I have the new 2.5 Free Edition (that won't update for the license I purchased).

Any suggestions?

2015-12-03, 03:23
There's a post on the website about license system issues here. :)