View Full Version : No possibility to remove Zlob.ZipCodec via Spybot

2016-01-08, 14:46
Hi guys,

i have a huge problem. I run Spybot several times to scan my system and it always detected the trojan Zlob.ZipCodec right at the end of the search. Then the program stops going on and there is no chance to remove the trojan. It just stops at this point. Is there any chance to solve this problem and get rid of the trojan?

Thanks for any help!

2016-01-08, 17:29
Hello McEule, :welcome:

The result of the scan shows Zlob as flagged on the computer or the scan freezes on Zlob?

Best regards.

2016-01-08, 17:48
Unfortunetly, the scan freezes and I have to stop the scanning process (waited for about 3 hours until I stopped it and tried it several times).

2016-01-08, 18:12
Hi McEule,

There are a few topics about the scan freezing on Zlob, I will reach out to the team on this.

Best regards.

2016-01-08, 18:17

2016-01-11, 06:54
I am also having the same problem and i am running windows 10

2016-01-11, 16:21
I have the same problem. Spybot ran all night but was still stuck on Zlob.ZipCodec!

2016-01-11, 22:04
I am having the same problem!!

2016-01-12, 16:15
I am also having the same problem.

2016-01-13, 07:15
Hi McEule,

There are a few topics about the scan freezing on Zlob, I will reach out to the team on this.

Best regards.

Please help Obi wan tashi you are our only hope

2016-01-13, 21:16
I would like to add me to the list. This has been going on since before the holidays.
Symptoms - Scan just runs forever stuck at win32.... have left it running overnight still same. Can quit but never completes.
Settings tool in Advanced mode - acts as if launching but never launches.
Startup tool starts but hangs at opening page and is immediately and forever in a state of Not Responding when close it will close after asking to close or wait and then gathering microsoft data about crash.
I have uninstalled, re-installed to new drive and directory - same results.
Immunization will work but with 193 files still not immunized.
Rootkit scan will complete fine with lists of unknown ADS and those are mostly a couple of games which I have since deleted.

Systems the same even in safe mode, safe mode with network, w/o network, limited gui etc various options under msconfig boot and startup options.
I have disable other antivirus / protection (using F-Secure), have run F-Secure scans - nothing - including running their online scan rather than local scan. But have had both products for years and never had a problem until now.

I have donated before but do not need the anti-virus features - I am pretty sure either there is a problem with the program files or malware targeting spybot but I am unable to isolate to which.

2016-01-13, 21:54
I am also having the same problem! Please help! PLUS my "settings" will not open and the startup tools times out (not responding).

2016-01-14, 05:27
I am also having the same issue with the scan not moving past ZLOB and settings will not open. I have noticed that SDSETTINGS in Task Manager is using 50% CPU and stays that way until you end the task, no matter how long it runs.

I am running Win 10 pro 64 bit, version 1511.

2016-01-14, 15:01
Hi McEule,

There are a few topics about the scan freezing on Zlob, I will reach out to the team on this.

Best regards.

Where are we at on this? We cannot proceed w/o a resolution

2016-01-14, 15:04
Let's get this resolved!!

2016-01-15, 17:30
This also has me stumped. Please help! I have a grumpy 86 year old dad who is stumped by this on his computer as well. (Yes he is amazingly computer savvy!) Looking for HELP! As with others I have tried to scan, several times, and it quits progressing once it hits the "Zlob.ZipCodec". I have tried several times It doesn't matter how long. It seems to hang up in a loop. :hair:

2016-01-16, 05:50
I too am suffering from this issue as well.

2016-01-19, 09:38
Please help Obi wan tashi you are our only hope

Same fault as other posts. Freezes at Zlob.ZipCodec. Using Windows 10.
Please help!

2016-01-19, 22:00

Have been a SpyBot user for many years, I now get the same issue.



Have tried multiple times, also safe mode. No difference, doesn't complete (have even waiting an hour).

Please get this resolved!

2016-01-21, 14:54
Spybot Team

Where are you at on this?

2016-01-21, 23:54

Have been a SpyBot user for many years, I now get the same issue.



Have tried multiple times, also safe mode. No difference, doesn't complete (have even waiting an hour).

Please get this resolved!

I feel your pain. But an hour (while incredibly long to a computer) is merely a blink to how long I have left it there (14 hours.)
I knew intellectually that after an hour on one file it should have moved on so is in a loop or stopped but just to say I gave it a chance I let it run.
In my case it is the zlob detection but is at a win32 file (I dont remember which one) I would go rename or delete it if I knew which one but since I am not the only one having this problem I feel it is Spybot's problem with either something detecting and preventing their program, or a fault in code, or a threat / change that their program does not deal with correctly. If it at least had a timer that when it timed out it either proceeded to the next file or the next detection schema or finished with a report and errors it would be ok. But this nothing and no recognition or refuting of the problem seems unacceptable. The initial post is weeks old so some sort of reply from them is warranted I think.
I know it is free but .....

2016-01-25, 01:03
I've got my fingers crossed that if all of us are having the same problem (Spybot system scan failing to finish its scan and getting stuck at "Zlob.ZipCodec") that it's not a computer infection and just a program hiccup.

I'm gonna monitor this thread and wait patiently for a resolution here before I try to post in the Malware Removal section.

2016-01-25, 19:05
In the same boat here. Windows 10, scan appears to stop, at the point:

Status: Scan progressing...
Product: Zlob.ZipCodec downloaded files...

I have twice left it to run overnight and it still doesn't complete the scan.

Windows 10 keeps nagging me to sort it out, so help would be appreciated!

2016-01-26, 01:58
Same here for me. Windows 10. I have used spybot some years back and was happy with it so today I decided to use it on this newer computer. Getting tired of all the nonsense on internet explorer and have not been able to get a good install of google chrome without being hijacked by types of nasty apps taking over. So I just dl'd ssd and had it scanning etc... and yes it locks up exactly where you all are mentioning. I was even just about to pay for the profession version but of course I will not do so if ssd isn't being supported any longer. I will watch this post to see if a fix is in the working etc.... Hoping for the best.

2016-01-26, 12:23
Hello good morning everyone.

I am new to this forum, and need your help with this issue that I am having. I had no problem with this program for years then suddenly I came across this problem.

I have been scanned my computer few times and as above on the title stated and its stuck and possibly hangs. I've tried to stop the scan but it is taking a while for it to stop or I shut that down.

Can you help?

Many thanks

2016-01-27, 05:33
Same Problem here.........

any news to fix this problem?

2016-01-29, 01:23
Keep trying multiple times with windows 10 and waiting for an update. been trying since october

2016-01-29, 17:43
I am having the same problem. Been using spybot with windows 10 since windows 10 got released. Using Norton Security with backup for a year before problem occurred. Tried running as administrator. Tried reinstalling. Running spybot 2.5.43. Will run 24 hours showing 100 percent done, hanging up on Zlobzip.codec 8F4129CC. Please let me know how to get the program to run properly and complete the scan like it always used to. This problem started about 2 weeks ago. Thank you for your help.

2016-01-31, 01:17
I am having the same problem. Been using spybot with windows 10 since windows 10 got released. Using Norton Security with backup for a year before problem occurred. Tried running as administrator. Tried reinstalling. Running spybot 2.5.43. Will run 24 hours showing 100 percent done, hanging up on Zlobzip.codec 8F4129CC. Please let me know how to get the program to run properly and complete the scan like it always used to. This problem started about 2 weeks ago. Thank you for your help.

Just wanted to add another user with the same problem.



2016-01-31, 01:40
I opened a support ticket a week ago.

Got a reply back asking me to do various things none of which has helped and no response so far from support.

Support say they have been 'unable to reproduce' this problem which seems strange...

2016-02-01, 19:38
I just checked to see if there was some solution posted for this problem. The last post before this indicates the issue can't be duplicated by SpyBot - and this does seem strange in that so many are seeing the problem. I hope a solution is forthcoming soon.


2016-02-03, 12:22
I am having the same problem with the Zlob.zipcodec. I raised a ticket thing and got asked to try UN-installing and re-installing Spybot which made no difference. I have made sure I have latest updates for spybot and windows 10. I can't open settings or start up tools. If I run the report creator the Spybot hangs and I have to use windows task manager to shut it down. I have been emailing Team Spybot but no one has returned my emails for nearly a week now and I am getting a little frustrated.

2016-02-03, 23:43
I am having the same problem with the Zlob.zipcodec. I raised a ticket thing and got asked to try UN-installing and re-installing Spybot which made no difference. I have made sure I have latest updates for spybot and windows 10. I can't open settings or start up tools. If I run the report creator the Spybot hangs and I have to use windows task manager to shut it down. I have been emailing Team Spybot but no one has returned my emails for nearly a week now and I am getting a little frustrated.


2016-02-07, 18:44
I tried all of the solutions suggested elsewhere (running in safe mode, running the cleanup program from command line, uninstalling/reinstalling) but nothing works. They have a problem with the free version and we are getting what we paid for.

2016-02-07, 21:27
Here I got the same problem, with a 2.4 version of spybot + av. i'll try the ticket way ....

2016-02-08, 21:56
shellyjmcd, your post has been split off to its own topic: https://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?73232-Zlob-ZipCodec&p=468703#post468703


2016-02-15, 19:08
So until Spybot sorts this out I am going to disable the AV and enable Windows Defender. Nothing malicious appears to be happening on this system so I'm going to assume that Spybot and Windows will figure this one out and let us know so we can re-enable the AV we paid for. Fingers crossed.

2016-02-15, 19:10
I tried all of the solutions suggested elsewhere (running in safe mode, running the cleanup program from command line, uninstalling/reinstalling) but nothing works. They have a problem with the free version and we are getting what we paid for.

This is happening on the paid version too, two of my systems with Corporate AV are affected.

2016-02-16, 11:43
I have posted questions about the Zlob.zipcodec (along with a lot of other people) and no replies. I have raised a ticket and three different people contacted me and everything they suggested didn't work. No one is replying to my emails from Spybot and it is getting up on 3 weeks, not three days. I have read the forums where people have gone into settings and been able to remove it there. I can't open settings, I can't open startup tools and if I run report creator it crashes. If I run a scan it gets to 100% and starts scanning again and shows the Zlob.zipcodec and I have to use Taskmaster to close Spybot. If I had not paid for my copy I would have just uninstalled Spybot and moved on, now I am pissed off because no one is having the common decency to reply to me.

2016-02-19, 16:37
Well, this is odd.

I posted here last night copying an email from Spybot on this subject (they want me to rename some file and put a downloaded file into it) asking if anybody else had been given and tried the same method. As I'm not too at home working 'behind the scenes' with computers I'm a bit scared to do it.

Today I've had a somewhat tetchy email response to my reply to them and now my forum post has been deleted.

What's with that then?

2016-02-19, 17:29
Hello shellyjmcd,

This is happening on the paid version too, two of my systems with Corporate AV are affected.

Please see your topic where I responded to the original post. :)


Best regards.

2016-02-23, 22:42
yep, its hung up on that damned trojan.
obv not alone in hoping for help from the staff.

2016-02-24, 01:10
Glad to see I am not alone in the Zlob.ZipCodec mire. Also running 10 and 64bit. Hope there is a resolution soon.

2016-02-29, 04:13
I have the same problem. Has there been official confirmation at least that the hangup indicates that the malware is present in our systems? Or is it reasonable to assume that? I have run malwarebytes and avast boot-time scan and found nothing. I think this is the most important thing we need to settle, considering the issue has been going on for months without resolution.

2016-03-10, 04:25
I have the same problem. Has there been official confirmation at least that the hangup indicates that the malware is present in our systems? Or is it reasonable to assume that? I have run malwarebytes and avast boot-time scan and found nothing. I think this is the most important thing we need to settle, considering the issue has been going on for months without resolution.

I've posted a few times, seems no response from Spybot - as we have all found out. It's unclear to me if we are actually infected as I show no signs of any issues - other than Spybot hangs up - as we have all seen. It's been months now since the first posts on this so there is no answer coming from Spybot - but let's keep posting, at least checking for some solution - but don't hold your breathe.

2016-03-10, 05:57

The scan is freezing on Zlob and that's the issue they are trying to replicate and resolve.

Freezing does not indicate a Zlob infection is present on the computers.

Best regards.

2016-03-10, 21:54
I too have paid spybot stuck on zlob.zipcodec.
My two month old surface is an expensive paperweight until this gets fixed. It may not be zlob causing this but I have adware that is making my surface unusable. Until spybot can complete I don't see how to get rid of the adware. DNS unlocker. I need browser based software to work and cannot get by on the iPad I am using to post this. It has been three days now.

2016-03-13, 09:15
Hopefully the pro's at Spybot can figure out how to get this problem solved. Please notify me when you can remove this from my computer. Thanks

2016-03-15, 03:49

The scan is freezing on Zlob and that's the issue they are trying to replicate and resolve.

Freezing does not indicate a Zlob infection is present on the computers.

Best regards.

Thank you for this. Can't say I'm pleased with the how long it's taking to solve this, but I've been using spybot for nearly a decade and I'm not about to give it up yet. Good luck to the team.

2016-03-27, 00:07
Just in case anyone is still waiting for a solution to the Zlob issue via forum updates and hasn't seen already, there has been a solution created on the Spybot home page, scrolling to the bottom under "News" - there's a small file to download that patches the error. I just downloaded it, ran a new scan, and it completed without any hangups! Hallelujah! Best of luck to everyone - hope it works, or has worked, for you as well :)

2016-03-28, 01:18
Thanks for the update! It works for me!!!

2016-03-29, 17:57
Just in case anyone is still waiting for a solution to the Zlob issue via forum updates and hasn't seen already, there has been a solution created on the Spybot home page, scrolling to the bottom under "News" - there's a small file to download that patches the error. I just downloaded it, ran a new scan, and it completed without any hangups! Hallelujah! Best of luck to everyone - hope it works, or has worked, for you as well :)

I have followed the above directions, and have not found the file patch for this problem described.
Do you have to be a subscriber to the paid edition in order to access this?
If not, would be grateful for more detailed instructions to get rid of this damn issue once and for all. Thanks.

2016-03-30, 01:33
I have followed the above directions, and have not found the file patch for this problem described.
Do you have to be a subscriber to the paid edition in order to access this?
If not, would be grateful for more detailed instructions to get rid of this damn issue once and for all. Thanks.

Try following this link - it should get the download started and then you can run it from there:

2016-04-10, 02:50
Try following this link - it should get the download started and then you can run it from there:

thank you

it worked for me

Andreas Häußler
2016-09-03, 13:57
Try following this link - it should get the download started and then you can run it from there:

The freezefix worked for me, too. Thanks.

2016-10-13, 05:38
Ditto. same problem... stuck on Zlob....

2016-10-13, 07:37
Hello toddfarmsga,

Did you try the fix?


Fix for System Scan freeze on Zlob.ZipCodec

March 22nd, 2016Many users have recently been affected by a feature in the Spybot program that caused the scanner to freeze on the final file of the scan, and the “Settings” button in the Start Center to become unresponsive.
We are happy to announce that we now have a solution for this issue. If you have experienced this issue and have not been sent this fix, please download and run this small installer (https://www.safer-networking.org/files/spybotsd2-install-iefreezefix.exe).
The installer will replace the file we found was causing the issue.
More information on this can be found here (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/scan-freezes-zlob-zipcodec/).

Best regards. :)