View Full Version : Addthis Toolbar Blocked?

2016-02-21, 04:03
I've added a Addthis script code to this site and it does not show up for any of my browsers(3).

<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-56c8b7020a76f440"></script>

Here's the site:

It shows up fine on 2 other computers so I am suspecting that maybe it's the new Kaspersky anti-virus, Malwarebytes and/or Spybot but I have uninstalled the malware programs and disabled the anti-virus and it still does not show up. I even booted to safe mode and again it still does not show up. Any suggestion how I can unblock s7.addthis.com since it states 'server not found'?

2016-02-22, 21:16
I still have this issue. I am aware that it probably shows up fine for everyone but it's just my computer that it doesn't show up which is why I posted on this forum and the other malware site thinking that one or both of them are causing the Addthis social tool to not show up.

Currently I have ruled out my anti-virus. I have removed Spybot and the other malware tool but the problem still persist. Is there anything I can do other what I have I done already? Is there some folder or files left behind that might still block s7.addthis.com domain?

Thank you.

2016-03-01, 05:28
Hello newseed,

It shows up fine on 2 other computers so I am suspecting that maybe it's the new Kaspersky anti-virus, Malwarebytes and/or Spybot but I have uninstalled the malware programs and disabled the anti-virus and it still does not show up. I even booted to safe mode and again it still does not show up. Any suggestion how I can unblock s7.addthis.com since it states 'server not found'?

Did you have the same security programs installed on all three computers? You had a new anti-virus program, is that when the problem started?

Best regards.