View Full Version : does Spybot secure WIn7 Firewall before modification of settings made?

2016-04-24, 02:01
I refer to https://answers.avira.com/de/question/steam-traegt-sich-offene-ports-ein-trotz-vorherigem-blockieren-eintrag-52651
(in German)
Problem: even if in Win7 Firewall Steam (or a similarr pogram) is checkmarked as "blocked", with any new start of a game Steam sets new open access, means it modifies the firewall settings w/o autorization.
As a normal user does not check the firewall x-times / day this is a big security hole and can be used also from other programs by same way.

I'm looking for a program that definitely secures the firewall settings before any change w/o individual permit by me.

2016-04-25, 03:25
tested it with version 2.4 on Win7, and Steam cannot modify the blocking in WIn7 firewall anymore. Gibes first a windows asking for new install, that I do decline, and then question for online or offline and I say offline, and after that the game works finw w/o Steam's uncontrolled Internet access oparations in background. Noo open door and so its offline.

so this is the major reason for me to run S&D with it's immunization an addition to another AV program, as (so far I know) there is no other AV program around with a feature like that. ALL AV-Programs I tested do not protect the Win7 firewall before modification by Steam and similar programs which want to run autoupdate or download new anvertising or do other unwanted operations.