View Full Version : Issues with game running in conjunction with Spybot

2016-08-17, 00:51

I have been using the free version of Spybot S&D for a long time and today bought into the €9.99 version. After installing it I found a few issues which I corrected and one that has arisen to which I cannot fix.

The issues I have corrected is that active scanning the programs I am using on opening slows my computer down noticeably. When browsing the web as each webpage seems to take about 3-4 seconds to begin loading due to having to be scanned first. Same for programs installed on my HDD. I disabled this feature and this stopped.
I have also found Live Protection seems to slow down browsing online as well. Web pages open quicker without it installed and running compared with it active on my system.

My main concern is that I enjoy a bit of gaming and I currently play League of Legends to unwind. At this moment in time I have noticed I cannot connect or use the chat service that comes with it, either in-game or on the menu of the browser. It is not connecting and refuses to connect on re-trying.

Things I have done to try and solve the issue:
- Turned Live Protection Off/On
- Turned Internet Protection Off/On
- Restarted the Computer.
- Closed the League of Legends programs and all those affiliated with it before turning off each of the above features.
- Searched through Settings to find an exception list or any details on whether this is indeed the factor causing the game to have problems. I cannot find this list.
- Contacted the community I play with in the EU servers to see if anyone else is having issues with the chat service. No issues from any of the 21 people spoken to via voice communications.
- Installed Blizzard.net and Steam gaming client services and asked people from the above check list to contact me through those and no issues were found with those.

I have installed Spybot S&D at 21:50, it is 23:47 at the time of this post and Riot (the game company who owns League of Legends) has not put out a notice saying chat service functionality has failed or been an issue.
Nothing else has changed or been installed/uninstalled since upgrading and installing the paid for version of Spybot S&D. I cannot seem to find anywhere where I can edit the program to ignore League of Legends and affiliated files.

Does anyone know if Spybot has the ability to block the gaming client in any way and if so how do I disable this function?

2016-08-17, 13:26
I have corrected the above issue, although my system is still running slower, notably since installing Spybot. When your system is solid state you notice the slightest slowdown in process.

2020-03-31, 02:59
I have corrected the above issue, although my system is still running slower, notably since installing Spybot. When your system is solid state you notice the slightest slowdown in process.


I have been using the free version of Spybot S&D for a long time and today bought into the €9.99 version. After installing it I found a few issues which I corrected and one that has arisen to which I cannot fix.

The issues I have corrected is that active scanning the programs I am using on opening slows my computer down noticeably. When browsing the web as each webpage seems to take about 3-4 seconds to begin loading due to having to be scanned first. Same for programs installed on my HDD. I disabled this feature and this stopped.
I have also found Live Protection seems to slow down browsing online as well. Web pages open quicker without it installed and running compared with it active on my system.

My main concern is that I enjoy a bit of gaming and I currently play League of Legends to unwind. At this moment in time I have noticed I cannot connect or use the chat service that comes with it, either in-game or on the menu of the browser. It is not connecting and refuses to connect on re-trying.

Things I have done to try and solve the issue:
- Turned Live Protection Off/On
- Turned Internet Protection Off/On
- Restarted the Computer.
- Closed the League of Legends programs and all those affiliated with it before turning off each of the above features.
- Searched through Settings to find an exception list or any details on whether this is indeed the factor causing the game to have problems. I cannot find this list.
- Contacted the community I play with in the EU servers to see if anyone else is having issues with the chat service. No issues from any of the 21 people spoken to via voice communications.
- Installed Blizzard.net and Steam gaming client services and asked people from the above check list to contact me through those and no issues were found with those.

I have installed Spybot S&D at 21:50, it is 23:47 at the time of this post and Riot (the game company who owns League of Legends) has not put out a notice saying chat service functionality has failed or been an issue.
Nothing else has changed or been installed/uninstalled since upgrading and installing the paid for version of Spybot S&D. I cannot seem to find anywhere where I can edit the program to ignore League of Legends and affiliated files.

Does anyone know if Spybot has the ability to block the gaming client in any way and if so how do I disable this function?

Hi, I'm new here and am currently running into the same issue. I got spybot and I cannot play league currently. How did you fix this? Uninstall spybot?