View Full Version : New error update (again)

2016-10-19, 13:06
[00:03.890] [+] Unable to download archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20161019.cab" from!
[00:04.031] [+] Downloaded archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20161019.cab" from http://updates4.safer-networking.org/spybot2/.
[00:04.031] [-] Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e for archive "Trojans-C.sbi-20161019.cab" does not match expected hash D2B0117439AB8858CC3C6DB2DDE8D41B!
[00:04.031] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:04.031] [+] Installed 4 updates.


2016-10-19, 14:27
Hi, we recognized there is something wrong with the updates again and are working on this.

2016-10-19, 16:50
Hi again, we fixed some problems with accessing our update servers. There should be no more problems like wrong hashes or failed downloads. :bigthumb:

2016-10-19, 17:04
Hi again, we fixed some problems with accessing our update servers. There should be no more problems like wrong hashes or failed downloads. :bigthumb:

That's ok now, thank you :cool:

2016-11-17, 12:57
Hi again, we fixed some problems with accessing our update servers. There should be no more problems like wrong hashes or failed downloads. :bigthumb:

I'm having a similar problem. Updater never ends to update trojans-c.sbi/