View Full Version : An error occurred during Anti Spyware updates

2016-10-21, 20:21

I just received an error message during updating;

[00:00.000] [i] Update started...
[00:00.020] [+] Updating Service is active.
[00:00.030] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates3.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:00.800] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:01.150] [.] Info file part done.
[00:01.240] [+] PUPS-C.sbi (version 20161012) needs to be updated (to version 20161019).
[00:01.270] [+] Adware-C.sbi (version 20161013) needs to be updated (to version 20161019).
[00:01.280] [.] Downloading updates...
[00:01.300] [+] File "Adware-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
[00:01.690] [+] Unable to download archive "Adware-C.sbi-20161019.cab" from http://updates.download-spybot.com/!
[00:02.140] [+] Unable to download archive "Adware-C.sbi-20161019.cab" from http://updates.download-spybot.com/!
[00:04.090] [+] Downloaded archive "Adware-C.sbi-20161019.cab" from http://updates4.safer-networking.org/spybot2/.
[00:04.110] [-] Hash 0df904ea4da1883633243d8bb028d7d9 for archive "Adware-C.sbi-20161019.cab" does not match expected hash 1B233182D31E9863461D3EC4636BC9BE!
[00:04.130] [+] File "PUPS-C.sbi" needs to be downloaded.
[00:05.927] [+] Unable to download archive "PUPS-C.sbi-20161019.cab" from http://spybot.securitywonks.org/updates/spybot2files/!
[00:07.577] [+] Downloaded archive "PUPS-C.sbi-20161019.cab" from http://ns364576.ovh.net/spybot2/updates/spybot2/.
[00:07.607] [-] Hash 8a44e7ffcb93b7be50cf8ec63a96ca9d for archive "PUPS-C.sbi-20161019.cab" does not match expected hash 2A40A6C409570CDA6657D1CDF9D8431A!
[00:07.617] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:07.667] [+] Installed 2 updates.

Is this a problem with my computer or are you having some problems ? Thank you.

2016-10-21, 21:27
I just changed the Proxy setting to " Specify proxy settings manually ", the Error message has gone, both bars are green, but this is what I get in the lower box.

[00:00.000] [i] Update started...
[00:00.122] [+] Updating Service is active.
[00:00.202] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates2.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:01.106] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:02.298] [.] Info file part done.
[00:02.827] [+] The antispyware signatures are up to date.

Still seems to be problems with the info file. I'm on Windows 7 with your free version. On my desktop , a Spybot icon has appeared; Post Win 10 Spybot Install, File Version, 08-08-2015, 802 KB. Should I remove, delete or uninstall ? Thank you.

2016-10-22, 21:59
Hello kiwi41,

Please re-try, apparently the issue has been fixed.


Best regards.

2016-10-23, 08:45
Hello kiwi41,

Please re-try, apparently the issue has been fixed.


Best regards.

Hello Tashi'

Thanks for your message. I re-tried and got this message, still with the info file part done;

[00:00.000] [i] Update started...
[00:00.015] [+] Updating Service is active.
[00:00.031] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates2.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:02.464] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:03.716] [.] Info file part done.
[00:03.811] [+] The antispyware signatures are up to date.

And re the Post Win 10 Spybot Install, File Version, 08-08-2015, 802 KB. Should I remove, delete or uninstall ? Thank you.

2016-10-25, 23:43
Hello kiwi41,

Sorry, I must have posted this to someone else. :red:

Spybot 2.5 Prompt – Post Windows 10 Spybot-install

"If you have installed Spybot recently, you may have noticed the appearance of a “Post Windows 10 Spybot-install” file on your Desktop after installation.

What is it?

This file was included in our updates for users upgrading to Windows 10. During the upgrade process, Spybot is likely to be uninstalled. It can be reinstalled by running this file, which will survive the upgrade process.
If this method does not work for you, please see here for reinstallation instructions (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/windows-10-removed-spybot/).

What do I do with it?

If you do not plan to upgrade to Windows 10, this file can be deleted. You can get this file back if you need to by reinstalling Spybot.
You can also delete the folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AV\Spybot – Search and Destroy
If you do plan to upgrade to Windows 10, or already have, you can run this file to install Spybot 2.5. Changes have been made to this version of Spybot to improve compatibility.If this does not work, please see here (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/windows-10-removed-spybot/) for instructions to reinstall Spybot."

https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/prompt-post-windows-10-spybot-install/ (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/prompt-post-windows-10-spybot-install/)

I will ask our team about the "Info file part done" question.

Best regards.

2016-10-26, 01:16
Many thanks tashi.

Hello kiwi41,

Sorry, I must have posted this to someone else. :red:

Spybot 2.5 Prompt – Post Windows 10 Spybot-install

"If you have installed Spybot recently, you may have noticed the appearance of a “Post Windows 10 Spybot-install” file on your Desktop after installation.

What is it?

This file was included in our updates for users upgrading to Windows 10. During the upgrade process, Spybot is likely to be uninstalled. It can be reinstalled by running this file, which will survive the upgrade process.
If this method does not work for you, please see here for reinstallation instructions (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/windows-10-removed-spybot/).

What do I do with it?

If you do not plan to upgrade to Windows 10, this file can be deleted. You can get this file back if you need to by reinstalling Spybot.
You can also delete the folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AV\Spybot – Search and Destroy
If you do plan to upgrade to Windows 10, or already have, you can run this file to install Spybot 2.5. Changes have been made to this version of Spybot to improve compatibility.If this does not work, please see here (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/windows-10-removed-spybot/) for instructions to reinstall Spybot."

https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/prompt-post-windows-10-spybot-install/ (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/prompt-post-windows-10-spybot-install/)

I will ask our team about the "Info file part done" question.

Best regards.

2016-11-15, 19:33
Hello kiwi41, :greeting:

My gosh sorry it took so long.

Apparently "Info file part done" doesn't mean only part of the file was downloaded, but rather that this action had been completed.


2016-11-16, 11:18
No problems . Many thanks for the advice.



Hello kiwi41, :greeting:

My gosh sorry it took so long.

Apparently "Info file part done" doesn't mean only part of the file was downloaded, but rather that this action had been completed.
