View Full Version : Installation issues

2017-01-11, 19:33
I installed Spybot, but when it was through with the installation and got to the portion of updates for downloading a windows-10-installer of some kind, the update hung up and after trying stopping/restarting the update and rebooting my computer and still having no effect I uninstalled. But a post-Windows 10 installer popped up the next time I restarted, long story short now that I've tried just to uninstall Spybot S&D everytime that I restarted my computer afterwards the Windows 10 post installer pops up. I settled on just having it installed but not running and removed it from windows startup, but it keeps adding itself. Anyone know what to do? :sad:

2017-01-11, 20:42
Hello spectre1982, :welcome:


Spybot 2.5 Prompt – Post Windows 10 Spybot-install
If you have installed Spybot recently, you may have noticed the appearance of a “Post Windows 10 Spybot-install” file on your Desktop after installation.

What is it?

This file was included in our updates for users upgrading to Windows 10. During the upgrade process, Spybot is likely to be uninstalled. It can be reinstalled by running this file, which will survive the upgrade process.
If this method does not work for you, please see here for reinstallation instructions (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/windows-10-removed-spybot/).

What do I do with it?

If you do not plan to upgrade to Windows 10, this file can be deleted. You can get this file back if you need to by reinstalling Spybot.
You can also delete the folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AV\Spybot – Search and Destroy
If you do plan to upgrade to Windows 10, or already have, you can run this file to install Spybot 2.5. Changes have been made to this version of Spybot to improve compatibility.If this does not work, please see here (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/windows-10-removed-spybot/) for instructions to reinstall Spybot.

Please let us know if that FAQ helped.

Best regards.

2017-01-11, 21:25
I understand what the post install file is, and what it does. I am having issues removing Spybot now that that file is on my computer because once I remove Spybot, the post install spybot executable will run on reboot and prompt to reinstall. I can't remove it from the startup programs, or registry it appears. Everytime I reboot I get prompted to run spybot post windows 10 installer. Can you help with that?

2017-01-12, 05:15
Hello spectre1982,

You could open a support ticket. :)


Best regards.

2017-01-29, 04:33
I understand what the post install file is, and what it does. I am having issues removing Spybot now that that file is on my computer because once I remove Spybot, the post install spybot executable will run on reboot and prompt to reinstall. I can't remove it from the startup programs, or registry it appears. Everytime I reboot I get prompted to run spybot post windows 10 installer. Can you help with that?

It's ridiculous to have to open a ticket for this when it is obviously a common problem. I've talked to several people having the exact same issue. No matter what I do, EACH AND EVERY TIME I restart my PC I am prompted that this program wants to reinstall S&D. When I try to delete the files from Program Files, I am told that the file cannot be deleted because it is in use in another program.


Please just tell us how to freakn delete the file. I had considered reinstalling SBS&D but after this, I will never use it again on ANY of my network computers.

2017-01-29, 06:32
Hello skyyw,

Despite similarities situations may differ.

Opening a support ticket allows them to work one on one with users and gather information in order to resolve issues.

I had considered reinstalling SBS&D but after this, I will never use it again on ANY of my network computers.

Which edition (https://www.safer-networking.org/private/) of Spybot do you have? :)

Best regards.