View Full Version : Virtumonde.ddl

2017-01-27, 03:27
while running a system scan my spybot will get hung up on a virtumonde.ddl. it will sit there and get hung up for hours. Any idea what might be causing this?

2017-01-27, 07:20
Hello Xaivor, :welcome:

A scan freezing on virtumonde.dll was quite an old issue, what is your operating system please.

Also, which version and edition of Spybot do you have: https://www.safer-networking.org/private/

Best regards.

2017-01-28, 17:37
I am running Windows 10 and i have the free verison

2017-01-28, 18:36
Hello Xaivor,

Spybot 1.6.2 or Spybot 2x?

Best regards.

2017-01-28, 19:55
i honestly dont know how to check. a friend of mine just suggested it to me because he said spy bot is one of the only things he trusts

2017-01-28, 23:55
Hi Xaivor,

Can you open a support ticket please: https://www.safer-networking.org/support/ticket/technical/

Best regards. :)

2017-01-29, 10:48
it took me a few tries but it says i have 2.5.43