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View Full Version : [BUG REPORT] SpybotSD (v2.4.40.0) causing explorer.exe to crash consistently

2017-02-05, 05:35
I recently decided to try SpybotSD (v2.4.40.0) even though I have always preferred v1.6.2.46...
Install did a forced auto restart during the update phase causing all my open programs to crash/close on me... this is unacceptable behavior from an installer and/or update process.... without the usual prompt to restart now or later thing...

anyway getting back on topic, nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first when I did the install yesterday
but today I found Windows Explorer crashing on me consistently...

only when right-clicking on a folder in the left navigation pane would explorer.exe crash every single time...
I confirmed Spybot was the cause when I uninstalled it, restarted my PC and the crashing stopped. ;)

the crash data also mentioned the faulty modules:
C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll <<-- most of the time
C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll <<-- one entry in event viewer

if the Spybot S&D devs need any further info like crash dumps just ask

2017-02-05, 05:58
the crash data also mentioned the faulty modules and the dump files had the following info when I looked at them using WinDbg:
C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll <<-- most of the time
I didn't find any info for shell32.dll :(

C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll <<-- one entry in event viewer

I tried to upload a zip file with the crash dumps but it just didn't work... :(
so I have uploaded them to my dropbox account.

2017-02-11, 20:02
come on developers... are you not gonna examine my bug report and bug fix it?

2017-02-13, 15:39
Thank you for reporting this issue.

To fix this issue, please go to:
Start Center > Settings (tick “Advanced User Mode” if you do not see “Settings”) > System Integration

In System Integration, please click the “Uninstall” button next to Windows Explorer Integration.

Click “Apply” and “OK”, and restart Spybot.

If this does not solve your issue, please let us know and we will search for an alternate solution.

2017-02-13, 15:54
thx but I'm no longer have SpybotS&D v2.4 installed, I scrapped it when it was causing too many crashes....

I will keep SpybotS&D v1.6.2 files for use as needed.. though it is no longer installed either.. when I built this new PC I copied the oild files over but did not bother to install it again... since it worked just fine as is...

if u are asking me to reinstall I will have to think about it... I really don't feel like risking my PC crashing again till its fixed...

it needs to be bug fixed... not a work around solution of not using features...

2017-06-19, 16:29
bump, Have you guys fixed this in the new released version of Spybot S&D v2.6.46???

2017-06-19, 16:33
yes, Explorer Integration has been fixed ;)

2017-06-19, 16:48
yes, Explorer Integration has been fixed ;)

LOL ok, maybe I'll give it a try.. :laugh: ;)

have you guys made any improvements to the installer?
I really DID NOT like have the installer force do an auto-restart without CONSENT OR WARNING.. last time I treied v2 it FORCE crashed everything I had running, like Firefox, Steam, mIRC, Defraggler, explorer, etc

plus I didn't like have so many things forced to install and auto-run like live protection which is not really essential and takes up system resources..

I use from v1.6.2.46 the file system scanner and maybe once a year do a full system scan which takes so long its no really worth it to me because I
keep a tight ship so NOTHING gets in, etc...

2017-06-19, 17:05
I also made a comment on the Facebook post for the release of v2.6.46:

2017-06-19, 17:10
There should be no more force reboot now. This additional installation, which was induced by Updates is included in this installer (without forced reboot). Live Protection is only active in paid editions, the Free Edition is an on-demand Scanner as was version 1.6. If you like, give it a try. Thank you.