View Full Version : SPYBOt2.4 w/update fix always hangs at same place:

2017-02-23, 22:22
I have the same problem:

SPYBOT 2.4 w/update fix
[00:00.000] [i] Update started...
[00:00.005] [+] Updating Service is active.
[00:00.010] [.] Trying to retrieve update info file from http://updates3.safer-networking.org/spybotsd2.uid...
[00:00.928] [+] Retrieved update info file.
[00:01.528] [.] Info file part done.
[00:01.560] [+] LASSHes.sbs is missing and will be installed (version 20080615).
[00:01.618] [.] Downloading updates...
[00:01.624] [+] File "LASSHes.sbs" needs to be downloaded.
[00:02.121] [+] Downloaded archive "LASSHes.sbs-20080615.cab" from http://filehorse.sbsd-updates.eu/spybot2/.
[00:02.130] [-] Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e for archive "LASSHes.sbs-20080615.cab" does not match expected hash FB52FC01E09E8665F23604A92D1DDBF8!
[00:02.136] [+] All files have been processed.
[00:02.144] [+] Installed 1 updates.
At this point the update always stops with "An error occurred during Antispyware updates"

2017-02-24, 04:05
Hello lsrshawk,

The following is from a FAQ:

Spybot – Search & Destroy Update Failed (https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/spybot-search-destroy-update-failed/)

The Spybot updater can fail from time to time on its 1st attempt to download the latest updates.

Please try to update again:

Open Spybot by right-clicking on the Spybot icon and choosing the option to “Run as Administrator”.
Tick the checkbox beside “Advanced User Mode” on the bottom of the Start Center.
Click on “Update”.

If the Updates fail on their 1st attempt, please click the update button again.
You should also disable any other security programs that could be running which may interfere with the Spybot update, causing it to fail.

If this does not work, this could be a proxy issue.
Please go to:
Start Center > Settings (tick “Advanced User Mode” if you do not see “Settings”) > Internet Protection
In Internet Protection, please untick “Use Spybot Proxy” and “Use own proxy to download updates” if either of these is ticked.
Click “Apply” and “OK” and restart Spybot.

If this does not work, please go again to:
Start Center > Settings > Internet Protection

In Internet Protection, please tick “Use own proxy to download updates” and choose the option to “Import proxy settings from Internet Explorer”.
Click “Apply” and “OK” and restart Spybot.

If this also does not work, please contact our support team (https://www.safer-networking.org/contact/home-edition-support/).

Best regards.