View Full Version : Hit by Spora Ransomware

2017-03-15, 02:40
Hi there, my computer has been infected by Spora Ransomware. It happened when clicking on a Facebook post which then directed to an article which then downloaded a font. All happened so quick. Anyway, it has encrypted all my files, word, excel etc. I cannot open any of them. As far as i can see it has not done anything else. Any files I create since it ran are ok. I get a ransom tab opening any time I start the computer. Any help solving this would be much appreciated. Thanks.

2017-03-15, 13:44
Wish I could say I can help but, the reality is there is nothing that can be done.

Please read over a few topics posted below where this infection is discussed.





2017-03-22, 12:06
due to lack of feedback this topic is closed.