View Full Version : Passive Protection Part Failure?

2017-08-03, 23:29

I am encountering a part failure when running Immunization as I get '4 Unprotected' in: Windows 'Global (Hosts) (C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.)'

Can anyone tell me how to rectify this please, as re-running Immunization fails to protect these 4 'problems'
While I am at a loss to establish exactly what they are.


2017-08-04, 04:29
Hi. :)
There were two others who also had 4 unprotected in the hosts file recently, so perhaps you are having the same or a similar issue:
I couldn't find what was causing it, so you could open a Support ticket to talk to Team Spybot if you would like:

2017-08-05, 21:32
Hi. :)
There were two others who also had 4 unprotected in the hosts file recently, so perhaps you are having the same or a similar issue:
I couldn't find what was causing it, so you could open a Support ticket to talk to Team Spybot if you would like:

Hello Zenobia,

Many thanks for your reply and the link to the other two SpyBot users.

While I too have Malware Bytes installed which i believe is running in the background, running a scan on it produces 'Nothing found'.

I also have Zone Alarm which I must say is much better behaved than AVG which I had and was very glad to see the back of as like Norton it was attempting to take control of my laptop!

The Zone Alarm is for both Virus protection and Firewall but again when a full scan is run like Malware I get the result of 'Nothing found'

I had a look at the file I mentioned in my original post, and there are 35 files of this type........All 'Backup'
'hosts.20160714-222619.backup 30/10/2015 BACKUP FILE 1KB

While I wrote the details of the first BACKUP file the remainder are around 448KB in size.

So I am wondering if they might be 'interfering' with the immunization process and should be 'Deleted'?

If you are unsure of the answer then I will raise a ticket as you suggest as the other 2 users have not posted any update, so I presume they still have the issue/problem.


2017-08-06, 07:33
You're welcome. :)

By the way, could you let me know which version of Windows are you on, is it Windows 10?

The hosts.20160714-222619.backup files are all backup files created by Spybot when it immunizes your hosts file. No need to delete them, they won't interfere with immunization.

It is possible that another program with real-time protection might be removing the hosts file entries made by Spybot, but if that were happening you would likely be notified by the security program.

I see Malwarebytes has real-time protection with the premium version only:
Do you have the premium or the free version? If you have the free version, that should rule out Malwarebytes.

I do see that Zone Alarm Antivirus and Firewall does have some kind of on-access scanning and/or also real-time protection?
Does that notify you if it finds anything?
If this page is up to date, I see there are logged Virus events. I'm not 100% sure if it shows anything found by on-access scanning or not, but you could look at the Virus Events and see if they correspond to times when you have been immunizing Spybot:

2017-08-06, 08:57
Hi Zenobia,

I am using Win10 64bit.

I will have a look at those points you made while I made this 'find' this morning but not sure if it is causing the 'problem'.

I tried running Immunization in Spybot without any updates and it came back telling me that I needed to 'Close' Firefox(SYSTEM)?

I opened up Task Manager and looked at all running 'Processes' and there was nothing there.

So I closed down Spybot and then opened up Firefox, which is taking a heck of a long time to open up!

I then ran CCleaner which told me Firefox needed to be closed down so I allowed CCleaner to close it and continue, except it struggled and found it was taking a long time to close down so CCleaner then forced it to close.

I then closed down CCleaner and opened Spybot and ran Immunization directly with no update and lo and behold the 'Close Firefox(System)' message came up again while the 4 'Unprotected' items remain in place. (File attached)

Seems weird but having I am not sure if the 4 'Unprotected' are related to Firefox.

Hope this throws some more light on the 'problem' or maybe it gets more 'confusing'!


Oops......Forgot to mention that I have the free version of Malwarebytes, while Zone Alarm does notify me of anything. The logged 'Virus Events' are from when Zone Alarm AV 'found' a suspected virus which is a false positive as it is the program for the activation code for Microsoft Office 2010, so I chose to allow it, but the virus event remains in place, while this was never a 'problem' when using AVG and Spybot, but the activation program was also allowed to remain in place and be active when it was found by AVG.

2017-08-06, 17:24
Hi. :)

I am using Win10 64bit.
Okay, thanks. I guess this is not Operating System related somehow, because I have Windows 10 64bit also, and my hosts file immunization is complete. I see by your screenshot that you are being prompted to run as administrator when you run Immunization, so that is as it should be.

Spybot will prompt you to close Firefox to make sure immunization is successful because sometimes Firefox immunization will fail when Firefox is open while Spybot is immunizing it. That should not affect the hosts file immunization, though.
But just to be on the safe side, could you please try rebooting your computer, leave Firefox closed, then opening Spybot immunization once again, just to confirm that the "Open browsers detected! You should close "Firefox(System)" to make sure immunization is successful" is no longer there?

Okay, that should eliminate Malwarebytes removing hosts file entries with real-time protection since it is the free version, and since there is only one false positive with Zone Alarm Antivirus and Firewall, if it does log On-Access events, then that should eliminate On-Access scanning and/or any real-time protection that it has as the culprit, barring unforeseen circumstances in either case. :)

2017-08-06, 22:15
Hi Zenobia,

I will say now that my default browser is Chrome and not Firefox which I only use infrequently.

The laptop has been shut down for the last 6 hours and switching on I went into Chrome and the Forum to see if there was a reply and there was from you.

I then opened Spybot and went straight into Immunization and guess what?

Nope it didn't work as I got that same message 'You should close "Firefox (SYSTEM)" to make sure an immunization is successful'

Nice to know that the other programs should not affect the immunization process.

I am just wondering if I should try taking a backup of the URL's and security from Firefox and stick it on a memory stick, then remove the Firefox program including the folders that are sometimes left behind, then clean out the Registry, then shut the laptop down, reboot and open Spybot first and try the immunization.

Decided I will and will let you know the result...........soon!

2017-08-06, 22:39
Hi again Zenobia,

Well I now have a laptop that does not have 'Firefox' anywhere in it...............

Unbelievably I am still getting that same message when I open up Spybot & Immunization!
'You should close "Firefox (SYSTEM)" to make sure an immunization is successful'

I am now 'Up a creek without a paddle' as I don't know where to go next or what else to try.

It looks like that Technical Support Ticket is getting very close!

Look forward to your thoughts.......


2017-08-06, 23:01

Hi once again Zenobia,

It looks like some elements of the Firefox Program remained as I just did a reinstall of the browser from a new download and when I opened it up I found all my Bookmarks and 'security' items still in place!

While I had 5 entries in the Registry it looks like some folders on the 'C' drive still had Firefox files in place, but interestingly a Windows Search did not identify them.

So I guess I need to do it again and look for the folders where the other bits are!

Watch this space!

2017-08-06, 23:38
Hello Zenobia,

I don't know if the attached Log File from Spybot Search & Destroy can throw any light on this 'problem' but in reading it through there does not seem to be any 'errors' identified regarding the operation of Mozilla/Firefox?


While I am supposed to be able to Upload 'txt' files in the Attachments I am getting a message on here via 'Manage Attachments' that the 'Immunization-Browsers.txt'
is Invalid for Upload!

I converted the file to a '.doc' file which is also supposed to be able to be Upload-able but that was also refused saying 'Invalid file'

I am beginning to think that the 'problem' is somewhere in Spybot.

Any ideas would be welcome as I am once again totally stumped!


2017-08-07, 10:04
Wow, you've been busy, you uninstalled Firefox and everything, that is above and beyond the call of duty. :)

It looks like some elements of the Firefox Program remained as I just did a reinstall of the browser from a new download and when I opened it up I found all my Bookmarks and 'security' items still in place!
Firefox usually does leave behind the profile folder when it's uninstalled so that users don't lose their bookmarks, etc. I'm not 100% certain, but I don't think the profile folder being left behind would cause Spybot to detect it as an open browser, though.

Not to be distracted from the 4 unimmunized hosts file entries, but just to go over some things about Firefox I find a bit odd, and I've been unable to find anything about them online anywhere.

'You should close "Firefox (SYSTEM)" to make sure an immunization is successful'
I notice that says System. If I am remembering this right (and it's very possible I'm not, so don't let this alarm you.), when Spybot detects Firefox open browser before immunization, the name in brackets is the name of the account that it is being run on, while looking in Immunization itself shows the profile name instead. In that case, it would look like Spybot might be possibly running from an account named System. I don't imagine the Windows account you are logged into now is called System, is it? I also find it odd that when you went to shut down Firefox the first time, it wasn't available in Task manager, and I also find it odd that after you uninstalled Firefox Spybot still detected Firefox as an open browser. This could well be a technical problem with Firefox, I'm sure. And you have ran scans and they have come up clean, so that is good. And everything is running okay on your computer? You haven't noticed anything different happening lately? :)

2017-08-07, 11:38
Wow, you've been busy, you uninstalled Firefox and everything, that is above and beyond the call of duty. :)

Firefox usually does leave behind the profile folder when it's uninstalled so that users don't lose their bookmarks, etc. I'm not 100% certain, but I don't think the profile folder being left behind would cause Spybot to detect it as an open browser, though.

Not to be distracted from the 4 unimmunized hosts file entries, but just to go over some things about Firefox I find a bit odd, and I've been unable to find anything about them online anywhere.

I notice that says System. If I am remembering this right (and it's very possible I'm not, so don't let this alarm you.), when Spybot detects Firefox open browser before immunization, the name in brackets is the name of the account that it is being run on, while looking in Immunization itself shows the profile name instead. In that case, it would look like Spybot might be possibly running from an account named System. I don't imagine the Windows account you are logged into now is called System, is it? I also find it odd that when you went to shut down Firefox the first time, it wasn't available in Task manager, and I also find it odd that after you uninstalled Firefox Spybot still detected Firefox as an open browser. This could well be a technical problem with Firefox, I'm sure. And you have ran scans and they have come up clean, so that is good. And everything is running okay on your computer? You haven't noticed anything different happening lately? :)

Hi Zenobia,

The above and beyond the call of duty is from this end I just want to see if we can resolve this issue.

The account I am running from now using Chrome is not called 'System'. According to 'Task Manager' in Processes it is in a list under a heading called 'Apps'

'System' I found also in Task Manager which is under a heading 'Windows processes'

I reinstalled Firefox and left it open while I then opened and tried Spybot, Immunization.
The message I then got was, different!.........

'You should close "Firefox (***PC)" to make sure an immunization is successful'

The ***PC is the name of my laptop.

I am not sure if when you install Spybot S&D if the choice of location for the installation is automatic so it is installed in the 'Program Files(86)' or you can select another location?
So need to pick your brains on that one please?
Then I could uninstall Spybot S&D 2 download a new install file and if it allows me to choose another Folder like 'Programs' as opposed to Programs(86) then install to that folder and see what happens after updating and running Immunization?


2017-08-08, 00:50
Hello, hope you're having a good afternoon. :)

I am not sure if when you install Spybot S&D if the choice of location for the installation is automatic so it is installed in the 'Program Files(86)' or you can select another location?
So need to pick your brains on that one please?
Then I could uninstall Spybot S&D 2 download a new install file and if it allows me to choose another Folder like 'Programs' as opposed to Programs(86) then install to that folder and see what happens after updating and running Immunization?

Yes, you can select another location to install Spybot, though the default location on a 64-bit Windows would be Program Files (x86). However, I don't recommend installing Spybot to the Program Files folder because 64-bit applications go there and 32-bit Programs go into Program Files (x86) You can see more about that here:
Also, installing Spybot to another location is unlikely to fix any immunization issues, so while it's a good idea to try different things, in this case you ought to skip doing that.

'System' I found also in Task Manager which is under a heading 'Windows processes'
That's normal to see in task manager, and is unrelated to the 'You should close "Firefox (SYSTEM)" to make sure an immunization is successful' message.

The reason I found the "You should close "Firefox (SYSTEM)" to make sure an immunization is successful'" odd is because usually, as I recall, the name in brackets is usually the name of your account on Windows. So, if I saw that message when opening immunization, I would likely see "You should close "Firefox (Zenobia)" to make sure an immunization is successful'

'You should close "Firefox (***PC)" to make sure an immunization is successful'

The ***PC is the name of my laptop.
Firefox (***PC) would also be something that was normal to see, too.

Firefox running from a System account seems unusual, and I couldn't find any info on that online, so I wanted to ask you about it to see if you knew about it running from there, etc., as I was worried Firefox running from there might be a Firefox technical or perhaps malware related type of issue or problem. But perhaps where you now are seeing Firefox (***PC), then maybe the "Firefox (SYSTEM)" was just a bit of a glitch.

So, since we haven't uncovered any insight into the hosts file not having four of the hosts file entries from Spybot, then it would be best to contact Spybot support now.
Good luck with support. I hope the hosts file issue is resolved. :)

2017-08-08, 14:32
Hi Zenobia.

I am having to use my mobile to reply to your message as which uses Safari as the browser.
My laptop and Google Chrome are blocking access to the Forum telling me there is a Privacy issue with the website!
So I have sent a request to Tech Support and hopefully they can sort it out as it looks like a Certificate issue, as I can access other Secure Forums that use https!

Hope it's not long as I can't stand using the mobile for this!

2017-08-08, 22:09
Hello. :)
Yes, when I saw your post I opened Chrome and came to these forums, and I got a "Your connection is not private" error, too. I don't get the error when I use Firefox or Edge, though. On Firefox I see "secure connection" when I click on Safer-Networking Ltd. in the upper left corner and then when clicking the arrow it says verified by: Startcom Ltd. I'm not sure why that is happening on Chrome. I'm not sure who to contact about that, so I'll send a message to the moderator and let her know. :)

2017-08-08, 23:44
Hello. :)
Yes, when I saw your post I opened Chrome and came to these forums, and I got a "Your connection is not private" error, too. I don't get the error when I use Firefox or Edge, though. On Firefox I see "secure connection" when I click on Safer-Networking Ltd. in the upper left corner and then when clicking the arrow it says verified by: Startcom Ltd. I'm not sure why that is happening on Chrome. I'm not sure who to contact about that, so I'll send a message to the moderator and let her know. :)

Hi Zenobia,

This was weird as this morning I could not get in with either Chrome or Firefox.
Now I can get into the Forum using Firefox, but Chrome still rejects any attempt which makes me think that Chrome is being 'nasty' as it has with other programs.

I have opened a support request to see if a solution can be provided to the Passive Protection 'problem' and will let you know the outcome when the guys get back to me.


2017-08-09, 04:19
Hi, Traveller11.

Yes, when I checked earlier, besides the Chrome error, when I used Edge to come to the Spybot Forums it took an unusual amount of time to connect to the forums, though Firefox was just normal. I messaged the moderator about the Chrome error, and she'll pass it along for us.

I have opened a support request to see if a solution can be provided to the Passive Protection 'problem' and will let you know the outcome when the guys get back to me.
Okay, thank you very much. :)

2017-08-09, 16:15
Hello Zenobia,

I got a reply to my 'Ticket' which is as follows.........

To ensure that Immunization is applied correctly, Please disable all other security programs that you run and close all browsers and any other programs during the work with Spybot - Search & Destroy.

You need to run the immunization with elevated privileges, otherwise all global immunizations will fail.

To Immunize your browser:

- Open Spybot "Start Center" by right clicking on the icon and choosing "Run as administrator".

- Go to "Immunization"

- Click "Check System" then click "Apply Immunization"

The main reasons why Immunization would fail are:

- A path is not detected.

- The object is blocked by something e.g a security program.

- The user does not have appropriate rights for Immunizing an object.

I followed it to the letter and at the end of running Immunization I got the same result '4 remain unprotected'!

The results have been sent back to Spybot.

Meanwhile I have got access to the Forum on Chrome after going back to a previous Back-up Image and re-installing it.
So I think the 'problem' with the access coming up 'Unsecure' was a corruption somewhere.

Feels a bit like 3 steps forward and 2 back at the moment!


2017-08-09, 17:31
Good morning.

Meanwhile I have got access to the Forum on Chrome after going back to a previous Back-up Image and re-installing it.
So I think the 'problem' with the access coming up 'Unsecure' was a corruption somewhere.
I heard back from tashi, and that error is all fixed now. :)

After they reply the next time, if the hosts file is still not immunized, if you hadn't mentioned it already, you could tell them that you, and two others have 4 items that will not be immunized in the hosts file, and include links to those posts and the link to this post in the email you write back to them if you would like to:
Three people each having 4 items in hosts that won't stay immunized could just be a coincidence, or it could be some sort of common reason. I noticed Team Spybot is pretty good about attempting to reproduce issues like this whenever I read their posts on the forums, so it's possible they might do some testing on it or something like that. Though that's pure speculation on my part, of course.

2017-08-09, 18:31
Good morning.

I heard back from tashi, and that error is all fixed now. :)

After they reply the next time, if the hosts file is still not immunized, if you hadn't mentioned it already, you could tell them that you, and two others have 4 items that will not be immunized in the hosts file, and include links to those posts and the link to this post in the email you write back to them if you would like to:
Three people each having 4 items in hosts that won't stay immunized could just be a coincidence, or it could be some sort of common reason. I noticed Team Spybot is pretty good about attempting to reproduce issues like this whenever I read their posts on the forums, so it's possible they might do some testing on it or something like that. Though that's pure speculation on my part, of course.

Good afternoon!

I did wonder if the 'security compromise' was due to an 'Accounting Error' where the fee for the security certificate had been overlooked?
Hush my :lip::lip: :):)


I will pick up the other members having 'Trouble in't Mill' as they say across the Pennines which is a mountain range in the UK!
BUT I can make that even more as my good lady has got the exact same 'problem' on her laptop which was a Win 8.1 Free Upgrade to Win 10 and to be honest it is 'different' when it runs!
So now we have 4 while I bet there are others not in the Forum??

I also tried the answer that I got from SB Technical Support exactly as written which one again 'failed' and the 4 Musketeers are still 'operating'!
OK I know the film says 3 Musketeers but I remember hearing that there were originally 4!!:p:

2017-08-09, 22:08
Good afternoon!

I did wonder if the 'security compromise' was due to an 'Accounting Error' where the fee for the security certificate had been overlooked?

lol! :laugh:

Yes, I saw D'Artagnan became a musketeer by the end of the book when I looked it up, so you can totally go with four musketeers. And if a fifth hosts file entry starts being unimmunized, I suggest you call it Albert. :D:

I'm really curious on the immunization problem, since there seems to be all different security software amongst the computers in the posts so far and I can't think what else might cause just four unimmunized hosts file entries or what the common denominator might be amongst the computers. Good luck with support, I hope you find out what is causing the immunization problem. :)

2017-08-10, 05:34
lol! :laugh:

Yes, I saw D'Artagnan became a musketeer by the end of the book when I looked it up, so you can totally go with four musketeers. And if a fifth hosts file entry starts being unimmunized, I suggest you call it Albert. :D:

I'm really curious on the immunization problem, since there seems to be all different security software amongst the computers in the posts so far and I can't think what else might cause just four unimmunized hosts file entries or what the common denominator might be amongst the computers. Good luck with support, I hope you find out what is causing the immunization problem. :)

Good morning!

Your not the only one who is curios about it being fixed as previously there were no 'left overs' when the security software was chomping away in the background like Pacman!

I did however take the precaution of disconnecting from the Internet BEFORE I claimed 'Administrators Rights' when running Spybot and then Immunization.
But as we know it didn't work!

I will keep you advised of the next 'chapter' and fingers crossed for a solution!


2017-08-23, 08:59

I am encountering a part failure when running Immunization as I get '4 Unprotected' in: Windows 'Global (Hosts) (C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.)'

Can anyone tell me how to rectify this please, as re-running Immunization fails to protect these 4 'problems'
While I am at a loss to establish exactly what they are.


im having the same issue on my laptop running Windows 7 64bit.

Same location as well.

When I check system it says 4 are still unprotected, I reapply immunization and it says all are immunized, I recheck again and still 4 are unprotected.

I also have avast installed as well.

2017-08-23, 10:44
im having the same issue on my laptop running Windows 7 64bit.

Same location as well.

When I check system it says 4 are still unprotected, I reapply immunization and it says all are immunized, I recheck again and still 4 are unprotected.

I also have avast installed as well.

Hello madmax2069,

I have raised 3 requests to SpyBot Technical Support on this issue and while the first reply provided an answer it failed to rectify the issue, so a reply was sent advising them of the outcome which was basically 'failure to resolve'.

That reply was sent on 09/08/2017 also advising of other forum members who were experiencing the same 'problem'.
Another request was then sent on 14/08/2017 to which there has been no response.

It might help if you would also raise a support request please as it seems that this 'problem' is growing.

2017-08-24, 09:38
Hello madmax2069,

I have raised 3 requests to SpyBot Technical Support on this issue and while the first reply provided an answer it failed to rectify the issue, so a reply was sent advising them of the outcome which was basically 'failure to resolve'.

That reply was sent on 09/08/2017 also advising of other forum members who were experiencing the same 'problem'.
Another request was then sent on 14/08/2017 to which there has been no response.

It might help if you would also raise a support request please as it seems that this 'problem' is growing.

yes I submitted a support ticket as well as posted here.

2017-08-25, 23:03
yes I submitted a support ticket as well as posted here.

My Support Request has now been re-submitted along with a picture showing the results of the Immunization 'results'.

I can only hope that we get an answer sooner than later, as my first request must be over 3 weeks old!

2017-08-29, 23:57
The reply came through from SpyBot Support and they asked me to update the program as I was not running on the latest version, so I did following their instructions.........

Sadly after cleaning out the old version and installing the new one then going through the Update process the 4 entries remain 'Unprotected' so the results have now been fed back to Support.........

Watch this space as they say!.......

2017-09-11, 12:04
Well it's now some time since this 'problem' was sent over to SpyBot Support as a Technical Request and other than being advised to update to the latest version of SB S&D which was carried out using the instructions to the letter to carry it out the 'problem' still exists!

I did however see a rather quickly displayed 'Message' advising of an error that you might receive when carrying out Immunization if you were/are using Zone Alarm Antivirus.

So as I am I disconnected from the Internet, disabled Zone Alarm as the computer then advised that Zone Alarm Anti Virus and Defender (Which is permanently disabled and not allowed to update) were turned off.

I then ran Immunization and got the same result as previously in that 4 'Global (Hosts) (C:\Windows.......... are still unprotected'

So it seems that disabling Zone Alarm is not the answer to getting a 'Full House' when running Immunization. :sick:

2017-10-04, 07:25
Finally got the answer in which the 4 outstanding 'Hosts' files get sorted out!

As I am using Zone Alarm I went into the 'Firewall' side of ZA and then 'View Details', then 'Settings' then click on 'Advanced Settings' and 'UNCHECK' the 'Lock hosts file'.

The come out of ZA and run Immunization in Spybot the outstanding files that will not clear immunization are then (or should be) resolved!

When that is done DON'T FORGET to go back into ZA and RE-CHECK the 'Lock hosts file' to continue your protection in ZA.

There should hopefully be a couple of pictures attached showing the pages in ZA where you will find the places of 'interest' and where to click or not click!

Good luck!

2017-10-04, 21:01
There were some troubles with Zone Alarm lock hosts file and Spybot Immunization a very long time ago. Here's an example thread here. (The lock hosts file bug is long gone, though, so you can ignore that part.)
But it used to cause an error, I never dreamed that the four missing hosts file entries would be due to that in the present day. Thanks so much for posting back about it. :)

2017-10-05, 12:53
There were some troubles with Zone Alarm lock hosts file and Spybot Immunization a very long time ago. Here's an example thread here. (The lock hosts file bug is long gone, though, so you can ignore that part.)
But it used to cause an error, I never dreamed that the four missing hosts file entries would be due to that in the present day. Thanks so much for posting back about it. :)

Hi Zenobia!

WOW! That was a L O N G time ago when that excellent operating system XP was in use!!!

So if now in Win10 if the 'lock hosts file bug' is long gone am I correct in thinking that the 'Box' in ZA that locks the hosts file can now be safely left 'Unchecked'?

Turning it on and off is a bit of an imposition to go through before and after running the SB Immunization scan, and thinking of computer users who might not be as competent in carrying this out, then if leaving it Unchecked will make it easier for them!


2017-10-05, 13:13

I just updated SB which installed 4 files and then ran Immunization which completed with NO 'problems' even though the Global Hosts file in ZA was 'locked'.

Seems strange as I would have thought that SB would not have been able to access it when ZA 'locked' it!
But as they say 'Stranger things have happened at sea or on the far side of Mars!'

2017-10-06, 00:42
Yes, those poor ole XPs. I remember having to defrag and such and not batting an eye, but now it just seems so clunky. :D:

As I remember, the hosts file was supposed to stay unlocked by default with Zone Alarm, and then Users could choose to lock the hosts file if they wanted to. But the Zone Alarm bug was that Zone Alarm used to lock the hosts file even when the checkbox to do so was unchecked. It was a l'il glitch that they fixed a bit later on. Glad your host file is immunizing okay now. :)

2017-10-06, 02:57
i have the exact same issue...i'll run immunization but it wont clear 4 issues...i have Spybot and 1.6 an same issue in both

please help:sad:

2017-10-06, 04:10
i have Spybot 1.6 and Spybot 2.6 the 4 programs show as needed to Immunize...but even after i agree to let the program it still shows the 4 programs

please tell me how to Immunize these 4 issues...its on both programs :mad: so frustrated :mad:

2017-10-06, 11:50
i have Spybot 1.6 and Spybot 2.6 the 4 programs show as needed to Immunize...but even after i agree to let the program it still shows the 4 programs

please tell me how to Immunize these 4 issues...its on both programs :mad: so frustrated :mad:

Hello KateAkaGunner,

Not sure why you have both 1.6 and 2.6 installed as you only need 2.6.........

I assume you are using Zone Alarm Firewall?
If that is the case then Page 3 of this 'Topic' then look for '29' in the right hand corner and that reply tells you how to correct the problem to allow Immunization to work fully.


2017-10-06, 11:54
Yes, those poor ole XPs. I remember having to defrag and such and not batting an eye, but now it just seems so clunky. :D:

As I remember, the hosts file was supposed to stay unlocked by default with Zone Alarm, and then Users could choose to lock the hosts file if they wanted to. But the Zone Alarm bug was that Zone Alarm used to lock the hosts file even when the checkbox to do so was unchecked. It was a l'il glitch that they fixed a bit later on. Glad your host file is immunizing okay now. :)

Now' wrong with XP, it was and still is the most stable operating system released by MS. In fact a lot of companies are still using it on mainframes as nothing can come near it.

My Desktop is set up with it and it is faster than my laptop, but then I cannot take my Desktop to these foreign countries in my suitcase!!! (Shame really!) :D::D:

2017-10-06, 19:02

Now' wrong with XP, it was and still is the most stable operating system released by MS. In fact a lot of companies are still using it on mainframes as nothing can come near it.

For those seeking information posts #6 and #7 contain links to articles regarding Microsoft end of support for XP.


Best regards. :)

2017-10-07, 00:39
Thanks, tashi. :) I had an old computer with XP, when support from Microsoft for XP was discontinued I installed one of the easier to use versions of Linux on it for safety reasons. I wasn't real thrilled at the time but I realized that having an operating system with no updates just wasn't safe because the makers of malware,etc. come out with newer and more sophisticated things all the time, and imo updates are needed to help counteract that with security updates etc., so I bit the bullet and went with Linux on that computer. I wasn't expecting to, but to my surprise I really liked the Linux os. If you wanted an alternatve to XP since Microsft support is discontinued, you might like to look into one of the linux operating systems some time, Travellor11.

2017-10-07, 07:16

For those seeking information posts #6 and #7 contain links to articles regarding Microsoft end of support for XP.


Best regards. :)

Interesting reading as Microsoft backed off and are supporting Commercial Users of XP till 2020.

Having said that I never use IE to access the Internet on my XP machine as you can drive a BUS through a lot of the security holes in it.

I also removed Google Chrome which is not updated but was proving to be a 'PITA' and at times has been just as bad on my Win10 laptop.

Mozilla Firefox however works very well and is updated for use with XP.

While after all that I have several friends who are still using Win98 and are so far 'problem free'

I will however take a look at Linux OS and providing it can be easily installed and will run with the likes of Microsoft Office 2010 Professional then we will give it a go!
My desktop is running to good to just put on the scrap heap which is what I think the folks in Marketing would like to see!!!

2017-10-07, 09:58
Another option is to dual boot Windows XP and Linux. That might be best for you since you're a bit unsure about it all. That's what I did, I used linux online, then went offline when I went onto XP for anything. There's an article here:
The article is a bit dated, from 2007, but should still be good I think for the gist of things. If you decide on installing a version of linux, then you could search for a more current article with the particular version of linux you choose and Windows XP.

There's an article to install Microsoft Office on Linux on How to Geek:
That's from 2013, but still should be useful.

There's an article here from a few years back with suggestions for people who still have XP after Microsoft support ended:

In my case, my computer with XP on it was having issues(which is understating it, trust me) so I just went with a small light linux distro. Your computer sounds as if it is in better shape, so you might want to consider one of these:
I have heard a few good things about ubuntu, though it's been a while since I've been reading up on anything linux related.

I can't find anything on Windows XP commercial or business user support being extended until 2020. I'm not trying to imply somebody gave you faulty info, because it's very possible that is correct and I just haven't been able to find it anywhere. I did see support for Windows 7 is until either 2019 or 2020, though. At any rate, I thought I'd give it a mention.

Have a good weekend. :)

2017-10-09, 17:39
Another option is to dual boot Windows XP and Linux. That might be best for you since you're a bit unsure about it all. That's what I did, I used linux online, then went offline when I went onto XP for anything. There's an article here:
The article is a bit dated, from 2007, but should still be good I think for the gist of things. If you decide on installing a version of linux, then you could search for a more current article with the particular version of linux you choose and Windows XP.

There's an article to install Microsoft Office on Linux on How to Geek:
That's from 2013, but still should be useful.

There's an article here from a few years back with suggestions for people who still have XP after Microsoft support ended:

In my case, my computer with XP on it was having issues(which is understating it, trust me) so I just went with a small light linux distro. Your computer sounds as if it is in better shape, so you might want to consider one of these:
I have heard a few good things about ubuntu, though it's been a while since I've been reading up on anything linux related.

I can't find anything on Windows XP commercial or business user support being extended until 2020. I'm not trying to imply somebody gave you faulty info, because it's very possible that is correct and I just haven't been able to find it anywhere. I did see support for Windows 7 is until either 2019 or 2020, though. At any rate, I thought I'd give it a mention.

Have a good weekend. :)

Hi Zenobia,

Thank you,
The weekend was OK but the hotel we are in in Kazakhstan has supposed to have had their Wi-Fi/Internet 'upgraded' which it seems still has some serious 'problems' in letting you connect to the Internet.

They actually at some point today installed another Router close to our room to see if it would improve things, but I think the 'Old Russian Concrete' in the walls of the place might be the culprit for screwing up the WiFi!

Still we head home shortly so the 'problems' will be left behind!

I think I will seriously look at putting in a Dual Boot system as some comments from a couple of friends indicate that the likes of Microsoft Office will not run, so as that is a 'tool' I use a lot then sticking with using that in XP and then as you suggest using Linux for all Internet access would make good sense.

I need to make the download and install from the XP Desktop as trying to do the download on the laptop is possibly fraught with other 'problems' as it is recognises the Win10?

You won't find any info on the XP 2020 Update 'facility' as it was kept very very quiet by Windows I believe so they didn't get hammered with requests from organisations who were not included.

Keep smiling and thanks again for the info and tips!


2017-10-10, 01:37
That must have been disappointing, especially since you were probably thinking there would be no connection problems this time because you knew they upgraded their internet/wifi.

I need to make the download and install from the XP Desktop as trying to do the download on the laptop is possibly fraught with other 'problems' as it is recognises the Win10?
It's up to you, you should be able to download the linux setup with Windows 10 wth no problems if you would like to. I downloaded linux with the Windows 7 laptop I had at the time, but I did that because of speed issues since my XP desktop wasn't in very good shape. I had to use an old cd I had here, because I couldn't find my USB drive and the XP desktop computer was too old to run a DVD. I just got a program to burn an iso image onto the cd, burned it, then took the cd and set up using the XP cd drive.
Weirdly enough I finally found the USB drive in a desktop drawer I'd already looked in multiple times about a year later. :scratch:
I found a page showing how to install linux mint alongside XP. You might decide on another linux distro, but it's a better example to read through than the previous page I posted so you can see what installing involves, and also there are instructions there showing how you can boot from USB or DVD if you want to try out the operating system first:

Keep smiling and thanks again for the info and tips!
You're welcome. :)

2017-10-10, 06:39
That must have been disappointing, especially since you were probably thinking there would be no connection problems this time because you knew they upgraded their internet/wifi.

It's up to you, you should be able to download the linux setup with Windows 10 wth no problems if you would like to. I downloaded linux with the Windows 7 laptop I had at the time, but I did that because of speed issues since my XP desktop wasn't in very good shape. I had to use an old cd I had here, because I couldn't find my USB drive and the XP desktop computer was too old to run a DVD. I just got a program to burn an iso image onto the cd, burned it, then took the cd and set up using the XP cd drive.
Weirdly enough I finally found the USB drive in a desktop drawer I'd already looked in multiple times about a year later. :scratch:
I found a page showing how to install linux mint alongside XP. You might decide on another linux distro, but it's a better example to read through than the previous page I posted so you can see what installing involves, and also there are instructions there showing how you can boot from USB or DVD if you want to try out the operating system first:

You're welcome. :)

I found out during a trip in Morocco that Routers can come in 3 different types! 'Micro' 'Mini' and 'Major' after sorting out some issues on a LARGE campsite!

The place was about the size of 6 Football Pitches and the Telecoms 'Man' had installed what turned out to be a Micro Router which had a range of about 30 feet!
So unless you were underneath it then you got no signal!

When the campsite then got the right Router the Telecom Engineer fitted it 180 degrees out of position, so the signal was going away from and not over the campsite!!! Arrrgh!!!

While the system was allegedly upgraded in the hotel, it seems that have used 'Micro' Routers which have a very short range, and being in a room at the end of a corridor with 4 x 18 Inch walls between our room and the router then that explains why I have a 'problem', they also tried putting in an extra Router on the wall of the corridor but as it was another Micro, then even as it was not fitted into the ceiling of the corridor it still fails to perform!

IT and Radio Technology can be a PITA if you don't do your homework for the place you are installing the 'system' and I don't think the IT Engineer did here!

Like you with your 'Temporary 'Lost' USB stick (Oops!) I cannon remember whether my Desktop is a 64 or 32 bit machine as I installed a new Motherboard and extra memory a few years back so will have to find out when I get home and go from there!

I have made a note of the links you included, thanks, and will use them to get the information and OS when I get back and then let you know what happens!

2017-10-11, 04:31
I found out during a trip in Morocco that Routers can come in 3 different types! 'Micro' 'Mini' and 'Major' after sorting out some issues on a LARGE campsite!

The place was about the size of 6 Football Pitches and the Telecoms 'Man' had installed what turned out to be a Micro Router which had a range of about 30 feet!
So unless you were underneath it then you got no signal!

When the campsite then got the right Router the Telecom Engineer fitted it 180 degrees out of position, so the signal was going away from and not over the campsite!!! Arrrgh!!!
He should have claimed he did that on purpose. "Hey, yeah, I did that because I'm running a free 'Find the wifi' contest. Find the wifi, connect to the internet, win a free...um...toaster!" Y'just have to know how to put the right spin on things. :laugh: :laugh:

This shows a keyboard shortcut for finding the 32-bit vs. 64-bit info:

You're welcome. I hope you like linux, if you do decide to install and dual boot with XP. I did some test runs with Live Linux cds first before I installed so I knew if I liked the linux distros I picked out, you might want to try that as a test run first:

2017-10-11, 07:01
He should have claimed he did that on purpose. "Hey, yeah, I did that because I'm running a free 'Find the wifi' contest. Find the wifi, connect to the internet, win a free...um...toaster!" Y'just have to know how to put the right spin on things. :laugh: :laugh:

Well there are 'Digital Engineers' and then there are 'Dinosaurs' :devil::devil: but I doubt if he could have afforded to offer the chance of winning a free toaster let alone a 1 Penny Chew!

I will let you know what happens with the Linux 'saga' after I get back to the UK but it might be a few days as I have a number of other issues to take care of first.

Thanks also for the links.

2017-10-11, 11:12
lol! :laugh:

I will let you know what happens with the Linux 'saga' after I get back to the UK but it might be a few days as I have a number of other issues to take care of first.

Thanks also for the links.
Okay. You're welcome. :)

2017-10-22, 20:31
lol! :laugh:

Okay. You're welcome. :)

Hi Zenobia!

Just a quick update.........

Linux 'Mint' had to be 'removed' like the 'Old GB Pound Coin'!
For some reason it did not like (probably) the Metal or Magnetic Structure of the HDD it was being downloaded to, so it was consigned to Bin 13 which is the Scrap Bin!

Next one up is the version labelled 'Ubuntu' that I will try to 'install' later this week!

The 'reports/reviews' are advising me that 'Ubuntu' is supposed to be easier but while 'THEY' don't know my Desktop and thinking along the lines of the 'Mr D Trumps' statement of 'Fake News' we will have to wait and see............!

Hey Ho, at the moment 'Paradise' is still 'LOST'! :D::D::D:


2017-10-23, 22:37
Oh, Ive heard lots of good things about Ubuntu. You might like that one when you try it. :)

2017-10-25, 10:46
Oh, Ive heard lots of good things about Ubuntu. You might like that one when you try it. :)

Hi Zenobia,

Ubuntu installed very easily with no 'problems'.

The 'Desktop Screen' takes a bit of getting used to especially as the 'Side Bar' with all the HDD's/Programs/Browser showing stays there even when you open up a Program!

While the Icons for getting around the opened program are very small, so I might need to make another appointment with the Optician to get a higher magnification on my glasses to make the icons appear BIGGER!

I think I also read somewhere that with Linux you don't need Antimalware or Antivirus as bugs are not 'produced' to infect your machine?

Cheers and thanks for the tips!:thanks:

2017-10-26, 05:20
Hello. I'm glad Ubuntu installed okay. Hope you like it. :)

I seem to just use squint power nowadays. :laugh:

I admit I don't have an antivirus or antimalware on my Linux, but thinking on it I decided to see what people are saying about that.
There's some debate about that here:
This link says you don't need an antivirus, but then tagged on a usually at the end:
This one states it's a complex question:

This one says an antivirus is a must for any computer even though linux is considered to be safer, and then lists off some antiviruses for linux:
It probably couldn't hurt to consider an antivirus for linux, then, better safe than sorry.

The 'Desktop Screen' takes a bit of getting used to especially as the 'Side Bar' with all the HDD's/Programs/Browser showing stays there even when you open up a Program!
Is that the Unity bar? I wouldn't like that either. This page says there's a command now to move it to the bottom of the screen:

This is a page about how to resize desktop icons if you'd like to have a look:

You're welcome. :)

2017-10-26, 17:22
Hello. I'm glad Ubuntu installed okay. Hope you like it. :)

I seem to just use squint power nowadays. :laugh:

I admit I don't have an antivirus or antimalware on my Linux, but thinking on it I decided to see what people are saying about that.
There's some debate about that here:
This link says you don't need an antivirus, but then tagged on a usually at the end:
This one states it's a complex question:

This one says an antivirus is a must for any computer even though linux is considered to be safer, and then lists off some antiviruses for linux:
It probably couldn't hurt to consider an antivirus for linux, then, better safe than sorry.

Is that the Unity bar? I wouldn't like that either. This page says there's a command now to move it to the bottom of the screen:

This is a page about how to resize desktop icons if you'd like to have a look:

You're welcome. :)

Hi Zenobia!

I have been using 'squint power' for some time now especially when I forgot where I put my specs! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

As my desktop is my 'Backup' albeit much reduced for internet access then I don't think I will bother with AV or AM as then you have the added 'extra' of keeping them updated, and as I only use it once a blue moon then it does not seem worthwhile!

Yes.......That is the Utility Bar that is on the left hand side of the screen, which is always visible while in Windows the program you are using as you know covers it up.

In fact the first program I opened which was the Spreadsheet in Libre Office had to be dragged at each side to enlarge it to what is left of the screen, but after that other programs when opened remembered!

I'll have a look at the additional links you have included and see if the AV/AM are convincing, while the resizing of Icons could be quite useful especially if my glasses are somewhere else! :sad:


2017-10-26, 21:26
lol, tell your glasses it's not fair to hide on somebody that has to use squint power. :D:

You're welcome. :)

2017-10-26, 21:50
lol, tell your glasses it's not fair to hide on somebody that has to use squint power. :D:

You're welcome. :)

Well you see it's like this.............

I'm thinking of asking Apple if they can stick a 'Beep' sound in their Mobile in an App with a 'Gadget' on my glasses so if I misplace them, I can push the App, and the Glasses will 'Beep'! :D::D:

But knowing my luck I fear that the darn battery in the Gadget on the glasses will run out just before I forgot where I put them!
Arrrrrrrgh! :devil::devil:

2017-10-27, 22:56
lol! :laugh:

2017-12-07, 20:04
i just got done with a full windows 7 reinstall and its still showing 4 unprotected items.